What would it take to get you to move?

Topic #201:

What would it take to get you to move? If someone you trusted offered you $1000 to move to a different city, would that be enough? More? Or would you need other things (the promise of friends or better weather?) What would they need to offer you before you’d instantly say yes? Or if you already want to move, what would it take to get you to stay?

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  1. Only $1000? Heck no. That might not even cover gas money lol. I need all my years of collecting ‘stuffs” to get all packed up, moved and set up again. But pay for all the moving expenses, provide a new better paying job….sure i would do it.


  2. Oh! How timely! Just posted today on The Unwitting Traveller – on packing up and shipping my stuff from South Africa to Scotland! Didn’t take money to make the decision – just the option of going “HOME” was enough!


  3. To get me to move would take my husband needing to find a different job. I want him to be happy. I am the type of person that can be happy wherever I live. I make friends easily and he doesn’t. I would love to move where it is warm, not hot, not cold. I guess I just have to learn to live with being too hot and too cold.


  4. Part of me thinks “Hell yeah, gimme the money and watch me roll into the sunset and a new adventure!” But the other more practical part of me, the part I don’t listen to very often, says: “Um, $1000? That’s like £600 dude! Keep the money!”


  5. A job would be all it’d take. If I could afford to KEEP a place, I’d move. Anywhere, any time- the $1000 would be a fantastic extra bonus for fancier furniture and maybe a deposit for a nicer apartment.
    In truth I’m at a point in my life where I have to get up and embark on better things but alas, money makes the world go ’round.


  6. The only thing it would take for me to move, is for my husband and Master to say the word. However, I really like it where I live, here on the east coast. I also, don’t think that 1000 could really help much…LOL.


  7. I would move to the place which keeps calling me HOME (not where I am originally from), but the place I found where I belong…in a split second. But it takes money I don’t have and $1,000 would not be enough.
    But… thanks for this topic as it is pertinent to me right now and am working on a piece to post on my blog.


  8. Since we live full time in a motor home, it doesn’t take much to get me to move – as a matter of fact we will be moving next week. But I don’t have to pack everything up, I just put everything away and we lower the satellite dish and unplug the electrical cord. $1000 would pay for a bit of fuel, and a new view out our windows is usually a pleasant change.


  9. I am ready to move now! What is holding me back is the poor housing market. When my husband passed away he left me with a huge house to care for. The kids are all gone but one and he will be in college next year so after that, I am free to go to a coastal town, more suitable for selling artisan jewelry. I only hope my lovely home will sell with such a pitiful market. If/when it does… I’m outa here!


  10. Amazingly enough, I just talked about this days ago. What nearly made me move this Spring was the crazy connection and relationship that popped into my life earlier this year. Honestly, I was crazy enough to consider moving to NYC…from Wisconsin. I like my small-town, with a sometimes big-town feel until a few of my worlds collided.


  11. If someone that absolutely hated me offered me $1000 to move I would tell them no and that I want more. I would still like to keep my long-lost friends if I did and I wouldn’t want too hot or too cold wheather where I go. To get me to stay would have to mean I get more for moving and staying. But I can’t promise I’ll stay.


  12. If somoeone gave me 1000$ to move I would, however I would have some regulations such as wherever I was moving I would have to know people so that I would not be going somewhere with out knowing anyone, there cannot be any tornados, tsunamis, or large earthquakes, I would also have to have a job or opportunities to get a job right away once I was there. Although that may seem like a lot or maybe even extreme, I can’t just go somewhere without any idea of what the future might behold and the ones that I listed are just the basics, everything else I will find out when I arrive!


  13. i would move for a dollar at this point! Being a military spouse, our current location was chosen for us. As time goes on, we’ll have more say but i grew up in New England and now im living down south so I’d be more than happy to go back home.


  14. i love traveling and new experiences. it wouldn’t take much to get me to move from my tropical home… you get tired of getting sunburned everyday.
