Are you too lazy, or too busy?

Topic #180:

Are you too lazy or too busy?

Bonus: Why is it so hard to find a balance? Do you know anyone who has a better balance than you do? What do you think their secret is?

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  1. With you all the way. When I wasn’t working I was a lazy bum. Now am self employed working every day I am still a lazy bum parent. What do they want from me. A clone?


  2. Scott, please stop climbing into my brain and reading my mind. It’s freaking me out. Thank you!
    Oh, and if anyone has found the lazy/busy balance secret, let me know. I’m still teeter-tottering from one to the other day to day, minute to minute. Maybe that is the secret!


    1. I know, right? Its like Scott is picking through my brain when I sleeping, its kind of freaking me out.


  3. Too busy, which makes me too lazy to post. If you find yourself saying, “I’ll just do two posts tomorrow,” you won’t because you’ll say the same thing then and won’t want to do three.


  4. I used to be too busy, but now that I’m unemployed, I’m too lazy. Actually, I have posted in the last few days, but looking for a job is scary. I take refuge in writing.
    I think the secret to balance is establishing a routine in which you schedule time for the things that are important to you and also don’t work too much (40 hours is good, more than 50 I think is too much). If you are working too many hours, even the things you schedule for yourself you end up not doing because you are too tired. Then all the things you want to do get put on hold and resentment builds. I know, I’ve been there!!


  5. I think it’s determination. Apparently, I’m not ambitious enough, being so lazy.


  6. Many days I am just too busy to get everything done. I however do better if I write down what needs to be done from the most pressing to the least pressing and cross it off as I do it. You will not find me just sitting idle watching tv as my husband does. I would rather be on the computer trying to catch up on e-mails. I have over 300 right now on yahoo. My other three are much better.


  7. It’s all semantics, really. One man’s laziness is another’s planning. Besides, it’s the coolest of things to appear to be busy … when you meet a friend, what do you ask? “What have you been doing?” What do they say? “Oh I’ve been hanging around doing nothing.” No, they tell you all the things they’ve been doing, as if that’s the of badge of honour for successful and functional people. Doing is so important and it can be a great cover-up for doing the important inner work – as FunShop (above) says, it’s scary to stop doing so we cover our fear with busyness … I could go on but I have lots of other things I need to be doing today!!!


  8. Balance in the context of this thread is just an illusion. Imagine doing something that you are really passionate about, would the idea of balancing work life still occur to you or would you simply shift that imaginary line. Similarly, laziness is a creation of the mind, a way to escape from doing something we don’t like.
    The real balance one must seek, much like learning how to cycle is to remain centred in whatever we do. Try this. Gradually increase your awareness for a few seconds initially on whatever you are doing, by remaining fully present on the task. Very soon you notice that you are really not averse to the task after all. This change happens at the subconsciously level.


  9. Preguiçosa nunca fui e nem sou, ocupada sempre, mas nem por isso deixo de cumprir as minhas obrigações. Inclusive por ser metódica e bastante organizada só assim consigo fazer tantas tarefas, e quando fico incapacitada choro de raiva.
    Abraços a todos!


  10. I may look lazy, but it could be because I am frozen by fear and insecurities. Or it may be because I do not want to put in effort unless it is worth the effort. Then I’ll move the mountains.
    It looks like I do nothing. But I am actually very busy feeling things out ( ya gotta be still and quiet to do that) V!


  11. Had to answer this one, both and neither! Too busy taking care of things, and too lazy to get things done! Yes, that is oxymoronic, but if you look at it, it’s the way most of us spend our lives!


  12. Sometimes too lazy, sometimes too busy, sometimes a mixture, sometimes vegetated.

    It’s hard to find balance maybe because we busy ourselves with chores that takes up time but are not important. Those who have better balance probably like to cut corners or know which corners to cut… or what to put aside and pretend it didn’t exist.


  13. I am a perfectionist, a doer and a serial procrastinator, which is the worst ever combination of traits. I think to avoid being a procrastinator I’ve pushed myself to work even harder. I find that balance is the trickiest thing to achieve!


  14. Put me in between…I may be lazy at times but I can be productive as much as you wanted. For me, it doesn’t really matter if you’re lazy/buzy as long as you find a way to do little things that you have never done before. Like for example, if you never read and you find it boring, these days and the coming days you find ways and means to change the bad habits whatever it takes.


  15. I am both depending on my aches and pains but I life to be busy and when I am those games on facebook are a no no or else I would not get anything done.


  16. I was Lazy and some might say i still am but i work and go to school, i try to help out with things when my friends need me and stuff.
