If you could own one thing you don’t currently have, what would it be?

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  1. The ideal job: health benefits, satisfying and fulfilling, uses my skills, allows me to be creative, and that means something (i.e. contributes to the public good in some way).


  2. Bob Hope was asked “Would you rather be poor in bad health or rich in bad heatlh”. Of course rich. I think people ware out with all that is going on in their lives. I can see it so my answer would be an honest bank.


  3. Capitalism and religion rules/decides the world – so sad.
    So a never ending bank account (&sorry to say that).


  4. I have the knowledge and wisdom that tells me my answer is 5 million dollars…to start with. The other things would follow close behind.


  5. I wish that my husband could retire, he won’t be able to forever and I can
    see the worry especially now and I worry. I wish people would give me a job on the internet that I could do. I cannot walk.


  6. The one thing I wish I had is the ability to forgive. If I had it, I would have been the most peaceful soul, the happiest person around and the most reliable friend for people I care about. I am working my way to get there, earnestly, but it is a really difficult path. I wish there was some way to erase memories, selectively lose hurtful incidents, words and actions. Is there someone who can help? I have tried meditation, retreats and even philosophy, no respite.


  7. forgiveness starts internally – forgive yourself first,accept your past,incidents etc. and then move on to forgive others.you cannot sellectively lose hurtful incidents.words.actions – but deal with them.u should nt-rather cannot erase memories as they form a part of you,your current exsistence and probably shape your future….so take out all the skeletons in your closet and deal with them 1 by 1…tht is the only way


  8. if there’s anything that i would like too have it would have to be able to control other peoples decisions when they are being impossible…or being able too look at a situation and know how impossible i am being
