If you could own one thing you don’t currently have, what would it be?

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  1. I won’t go for the material things that life can offer but instead I would rather choose to have wisdom and knowledge. I know that what I’m thinking right now involves a lot of PATIENCE.


  2. A big juicy sandwich, fried eggs, bacon, mushrooms, sausage…a real brute of a breakfast between 2 chunks of freshly baked bread. I don’t currently own one of those and if I did I wouldn’t own it for very long!

    Man I’m hungry.


  3. The world. Soon my plans will be complete. The only person that can stop me now is James Bond. I placed him that room over… Damn it! Who was in charge of watching him? No one? Really?


  4. An estate. Where I can share with my family and friends – they will have their own homes and we will have our gatherings in our patios for afternoon tea.
