They say “everything happens for a reason” – do you think this is true?

Topic #170:

They say “everything happens for a reason” – do you think this is true?

Bonus: If you do, what do you think was the reason for us picking this topic today?

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  1. Yes, of course it’s true, but so what? This is one of those statements that sound much more profound than it really is. Because “happens for a reason” is the same as “happens because.” My foot hurts because I stubbed it. Joe Blow was elected president because he got more electoral votes.
    On the other hand, many people who say this really mean that’s there’s some sort of hidden reason, that things happen because their guided by fate, or God, or something that we have no control over.
    Personally, I think that’s nonsense.


    1. my old, small car got stolen. I bought a new, bigger car eventually. Was loosing the smaller car a reason because someone up there wanted me to own a bigger, more comfortable car?


  2. Whoops, a type. I wrote “their guided by fate,” and should have written “they’re guided by fate.” Sorry.


  3. Whoops, another typo. I wrote “type” and should have written “typo.” I promise, I’ll re-read what I’ve written more carefully. Honest!


  4. I disagree with Living Contentedly. I do believe that “everything happens for a reason” because we are guided by a force that is bigger than any of us! You can choose to listen to the guidance or not. That guidance system has helped me in so many times in my life I can’t count them! Even if you are
    held up from leaving your house at a particular time or someone in front of you is driving extremely slow for no apparent reason I take those as signs. In my opinion it’s better than getting mad or frustrated and I just leave it up to God or whoever your higher self may be!


    1. I agree that we are guided by a larger force; unfortunately on a daily basis that larger force is controlled by those who manipulate the global financial markets. However, we all can do something to readdress this balance if we so wish; leaving it to a “god or whoever your higher self may be” (sic) is to reject your own responsibilities to your fellow humans. – Money everywhere, but not a penny to spend.


    2. Guided by a force or something…? So, you’re saying some kind of a magic thing. In some point, it’s true. I do believe in magic. But looking at the perspective point of view of man, it’s not good for us to rely on such acts. Don’t be foolish. We, at times, tend to be reluctant, still we are the master of our own life.


  5. I certainly should have acknowledged Peggy DiSalle’s point of view when I replied to this question. There must be billions of believers in the world (given that there are more than 6 billion humans now), that is, people who either believe in God or, as Peggy says, “whoever your higher self may be.”

    It strikes me as natural that a believer would agree with the statement we’re discussing. As a total non-believer, as someone who doesn’t have a spiritual bone in his body, I can see no way in which everything happens for a reason other than cause and effect. That’s the point of view that is at the bottom of my response.


    1. If that statement were true than “meche112” posted the above spam link just so I could make a statement about it being spam and shouldn’t the WP team do something about that?

      Actually that’s wrong, it’s cause and effect, spam > anger.


  6. The only people who say everything happens for a reason are those who like to look back and try to connect the dots. There’s only one constant in the universe, that of causality. Cause and effect. Everything else is just wishful thinking.


  7. I think everything does happen for a reason. Take those typos by Living Contentedly as an example. They could have happened as warning to me be cereful not to make any typos myself.


  8. One day, as CEO, when you look back at the time as a new staff you got your shoe stepped by some punks, you now have the desire and passion as:
    A) someone who wants to make sure this don’t happen to any newcomers again, or
    B) a monster who wants the lowly flies to have a taste of the shoes.

    The past leads us somewhere.
    Therefore, things always happen for a reason.

    I think a week or a year from now when we look back at why we picked this topic today, we might get a better picture since now this topic is still trying to fit somewhere in the big puzzle. And this resulting big picture could be meaningful either in individual or collective level.


  9. I don’t believe that “everything happens for reason”. First of all, I have a problem when anyone says “They say”. All I can think is “who are they” and why should I listen to “them”.
    Blanket statements like “everything happens for a reason”, rarely ever provide protection for everyone. Someone is bound to be either too hot or too cold.
    Other blanket statements also come to mind. Like “there is a thin line between love and hate” and “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” Really!!
    All of these statements require an action by one person and a reaction by another. There is no way that any of these statements can or ever will apply to everything or everyone.


  10. I believe that everything happens for a reason. So much good and bad things had already happened in my life that cannot be just warranted for a cause and effect principle. Besides, asking if you believe that everything happens for a reason was like asking “Do you believe in God? And is He responsible in all of this things happening in my life?”

    Just my opinion. And yes, I do believe in God and believe that everything has a reason. Even why annoying pests and insects has the Universe and God’s own reason why they lived and continue to exist.


  11. I believe it’s true, and the reason why you did choose that topic is for us to understand that nothing happens by mistake.


  12. Well, I guess it’s true. We never know what’s gonna happen to us today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and so on. We all have our problems in life. It’s all up to us on how to face it. But if the problem is our face, don’t bother anymore, lol. Despite of all those things, be it good or bad, it does have an impact to our lives. We learn from our own mistakes. And the more we fall, the more we become stronger and mature person.

    The best thing that life has to offer is that, “Life has options.” It’s up to us to be good or to be bad. Neither of the two paths we choose, we should be ready to face the consequences of our actions.

    Without ever really knowing, some people try to manipulate the lives of other people because it’s the right thing to do. Well, how would they really say that it’s the right thing to do when they made also some mistakes in the past. It’s such a bad idea. Never will there come a time that I will agree with such a depressive acts. We don’t have the power to control or manipulate or dictate someone to do your thing. It’s ridiculous. Never questioning the intention, it is really pure. No doubt about it. It’s just that it is wrong and never will be right in the eyes of the people and GOD. Only God knows what’s best for us. We just have to stay strong and hold on to our faith. We are only being put to the test.



  13. I believe in free will completely. There are always options and different ways to go before making a decision. But the decision is free will. The outcomes may be eternal and mind may be like a computer; everything is programmed but you choose the button to press or the when to click.


  14. I agree everything happens for a reason. Whether we understand it or not.
    Questions like these, have the ability for one to view where their perspective is rooted from in my honest opinion. An opportunity to open one’s mind and heart to the idea, that there is always more to know than what one currently knows. Nature is an excellent example of things happening for a reason, to perpetuate life in all its forms, outwardly seen, and inwardly seen from. I see from being a ‘student’ of Nature for many years, that it reveals that Life is always unfolding ~
    ‘It is wise to seek Immortality, because Time defeats all other ambitions.’
    ~ Vernon Howard


  15. Maybe, but if the path is already set in the stars, that you will take, then taking the wrong “path” is human, yet, you seem to always
    get back on the unseen path anyway, don’t you….


  16. Há Scott, quando acontece coisas ruins, dá vontade de sumir, se é por alguma razão eu não sei, eu estou na fase má, que a cada dia acontece algo de ruim, já perdi a paciência!!!
    Abraços Mina!
