Do you think you’d make a good president?

Topic #166:

Do you think you’d make a good president? Or Prime-minister? Or King? If so, what would be the first thing you’d do in office?

Bonus: If not yourself, who do you know that you think would make for a good president? Perhaps a blogger you’ve met through #postaday?

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  1. No. I don’t have a filter and tend to say everything I’m thinking and feeling (hence the subtitle of my blog “No Mincing Words Allowed”). If we had a climatological catastrophe and hell froze over, the first thing I would do would be to castrate & neuter all lying married politicians who spent their time massaging fragile egos by texting photos of their genitalia. Those with integrity and intact families would be rewareded with respect and job retainment. I might also start a reform school for politicians that all freshmen politicans would have to go through for orientation as well as any aberrant wayward Manchildren. Such an effective practice would never be implemented under a Male President.


  2. No. I think about the people too much, education, building up the country after all the disasters, and bringing down the interest on the visa card, Also putting up a board that overlooks the banks and their handling of our money. As for drugs I would make a law that only doctors would give the drugs to those hooked and help them get clean if they want to and have a supply of needles and a way to get off the drugs if they want to instead of living in filth in the street, that way the sellers would die out hopefully.


  3. Well, first, I wouldn’t want the job, as “president”, but “Queen”, not that’s another
    day….and, if I had my way, for a day, I would start with the FAMILY, meaning, there
    would be no divorces to those people who had children under 18 years of age, and
    why? Well, that’s simply, children suffer all kinds of set backs, and pain and suffering that causes otherwise great kids to go bad…and that’s a lifetime of work to repair, if ever….so, if people have kids, they should have to be made stay in the marriage, and if they did something to cause this otherwise marrital union to go bad, they should spend time in jail…..this should be the law until the kids are of age to leave the home….sorry, you asked? But, we have to start at the home to save our children….


  4. Is this wall open for nomination? 😀 Shall I nominate Scott? He has been leading quite a lot of blogger for almost half a year now… Modest guy and helpful.


  5. I know my character flaws (some which glare right back at me), so I’m not convinced I would make a good President. Our country requires leadership which would drive our Nation to stand up and rebuild that which has been lost. He or she would carry the spark, we would be the flame. Now this could be someone I could follow.


  6. why president? in my country, Roumania, being president is equal with being captain Cook…:)) but i’d like to have the opportunity to make something for the young generation….but in the end…no, i say no.


  7. No, I would not be a good President. I am Christian and vocal about it (tollerant of others but not going to get run over for my faith either) I speak my mind, politely but succinctly, and have no patience for wastefullness or B.S. (I hear they have a lot of both in Washington) I don’t believe in starting wars with countries, I support our troups, but don’t believe in being the “town bully” and I don’t believe it’s a good idea to let other countries own more of us than we do! So, I could never live within the parameters our previous leaders have set- I’ll just keep voting and hope at some point we will actually get a President who sees beyond that big lovely desk.


  8. I vote Ted Nugent for president, and I say this because he would have America in shipshape in no time! No drugs, just hunting, and thats the way to be! Go Uncle Ted!!


  9. No, I don’t think I would be a good president or even a king or queen. It’s too much responsibilities. But I preferred to be the daughter of the president or the daughter of a king. You know, like a princess. 🙂 I guess that would be cool. You have all the perks of a royalty minus the responsibility of your parents. 😛


  10. NO, I would not be a ‘good’ president. That is to say, if I were pres. my governing style would not be welcomed by the status-quo because the 1st policy that I would enact would be everyone in this country has the right to the same kind of medical care as I (and both houses of congress) have. I have just returned from Paris and London – cities in countries with health care for all. How humane. My second policy would be to charge business (Big business) a tax for the ability to do business in this country the more $$$ you make the more you pay. Also, if you go abroad for workers then – guess what, you pay more taxes. I would do this in the belief that business owes its success to workers – those willing to do the grunt work and who often (thanks to the likes of WalMart) are not paid a living wage. I would try (the most difficult task) to infuse big business with a beating heart. Greed is not okay! I don’t care how many times one watches the movie Wall Street!. As president I would outlaw all campaign financing save for a set amount given to all politicians to run a 3 week campaign – that’s it 3 weeks. I’m sure they would just want to ‘stick to the facts’ with no time for slinging mud at the opponent. And lastly, I would outlaw Fox News. Or, at the very least, force them to call their programming something other than “news”. What and embarrassment to real news gatherers.

    Would I make a good president? No. I’d be branded a socialist – one who palled around with the likes of Angela Davis (I was stopped at LAX once for looking like her) and was a member of the Black Panther Party in Oakland – (I was a member of the Pan African Student’s Association a legitimate organization on my northern California college campus in the ’70’s).

    So, I have decided NOT to run for president. I’ll save my radical ideas for my blog.


  11. Yeah I’ll be president. Just tell me where to show up and what to wear and can I bring my dog,Cujo? He almost never bites.
    I would run the country like the late great Walt Disney had in mind. Sugar plums and fairy tales. Fun rides for everyone and cotton candy. Oh wait a minute….Walt did support the Nazi party during the war …oh fuck Walt Disney what did he know….
    First thing I would do as president is close Disneyland, but Universal Studios could stay open.


  12. Acredito que sim por ser justa, e honesta, mas nada se faz só, teria que ter os meus colaboradores honestos e retos, para poder fazer um bom governo!
    É uma missão muito difícil e desgastante, e as pessoas ao seu redor tem que serem escolhidas a dedo como se diz na gíria!
    E quem sou eu para sequer pensar nisso? Nem meu livro consigo editar?
    Abraços a todos!


  13. I would not make a good President. I just could not compromise on certain things….

    However, first thing I would do as President?

    Give out a benefit check to every family that stays together. That means mother, father, and kids staying together until the children are 18. There must not be any domestic violence in the home, or failing grades, or “open” relationships between the parents, or any other reported crime or turmoil. If they succeed, then every year, they will get a substantial check in the mail that can only be used for something that benefits the family. In other words, can’t be used for drugs or gambling.

    Yeah sounds far fetched – and it would never happen the way our government is run – but the fact is that the biggest problem in this society is the destruction of the family unit. If we fix that, we go a long way towards fixing this country…


  14. No I wouldn’t. I have no tolerance for most of the “Political Correctness” that is clouding everyone’s thinking, actions and reactions to everyday life in the real world. Yes, I am sensitive and compassionate, mindful of my fellow man’s needs, feelings and well being.

    However, when there is endless debate over the use of the “N” word in a classic, Mark Twain’s Huck-Finn, written at a very different time in history, I fail to see the point. Facts are facts and you can’t change history, only learn from it. Why was it okay to spend a disproportionate amount of time on who sent photos, of what, to who – the act of which did NOT have any bearing on the events of the day – except to ultimately give credence and notoriety to a Porn Star’s thoughts; (hum – a slut condemning an exhibitionist – what would Jesus say?) rather than address any of the other more pressing issues of today?

    No, I’m not height challenged, I’m SHORT; I’m not weight challenged, I’m FAT; I’m not CHALLENGED in anything – except trying to keep my sanity in today’s age of STUPID – oops, I should have said intellectually challenged – sorry!

    A spades a SPADE – face it, suck it up, deal with it and MOVE ON – Life it too precious and short to waste on nonsense.


  15. Politics has, and will always be intrinsically linked with money and power, and so big business. Maybe if globalism was not legal in the business sphere, then the elected rulers would be more inclined to listen to the people. Although, if more people were willing to make their voices heard (akin to what we are seeing now in Greece for example), then the accountability of these elected servants may not stray onto their own interests instead of the country’s.
    It’s not just about having a good, strong leader at the front; the support around him is vital too.


  16. Heck if i could be president of my school and 4-H club im sure i could do it. You can be anything you want really. just put your heart into it.
