Write about a recurring dream you have

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  1. It is about a boy who in real life divorced and followed his wife back to her country and was kicked out. This really happened and for some reason I dream about it .


  2. I have a recurring dream of a big old house that has a few rooms closed off or blocked in the upstairs back. I always see this bathroom inside of a bedroom, but the bathroom door is so small no one can get through it. Looking inside I can see that there is another door inside.

    On the interior of the house the first floor is very large and there is a center staircase that goes up and splits left and right with a large loft area upstairs. There are about four or five bedrooms there, very rustic looking. One of the bedrooms towards the back of the house is where this mysterious half opened bathrooms sits. It looks nicely tiled and sort of new. There is a tub and a shower and on the other side you can see a door.

    The last time I had this dream was in February 2011, but this time with a twist.

    Instead of seeing the big loft, the house was different but the half opened door to the bathroom was there. I was determined to get into the room and somehow I was able to. As I finally got through the doorway, I heard some noises. I opened the door at the other end and was very surprised to see some little critters scurrying about. They almost looked like muskrats but sort of animated and toy-like. I called my sons to come and see them, but they thought I was nuts.

    Then I called my dad to help me try to clear them out and was amazed at what I saw. Little by little, the critters scurried out of the way and more weird things started to show up. All these old very strange toys seemed to come to life. As we investigated more and got further into the room, the most strangest things started to happen.

    We found ourselves in a large room with a whole load of antiques, but they weren’t just regular antiques. They were alive. The first thing I saw was an antique TV, circa 1940, that was playing all the old Disney shows, like the original Mickey Mouse, the first views Disneyland, and things that were on TV in the 50’s or so.

    Next to the TV was this big old cabinet that seemed to be a storage unit of some sort. I accidentally tapped it and it came to life. There were all sorts of antique toys and games that came to life.

    Then my dog was barking at something and woke me up. I sat there for a few minutes trying to clear my head because the dream was so vivid and life-like I couldn’t believe that it was a dream.


  3. again, what a coincidence! just yesterday i chat with my college about this.. i have wrote the only one recurring dream i had when i was a child, though.. so, no more blog post about this ;p


  4. mimpi hanyalah bunga tidur,tapi kalo mimpi berulang kali dengan topik yang sama,sangat jarang terjadi. menurut saya itu suatu peringatan bahwa tentang adanya dunia lain yang kasat mata. makhluk2 kecil yang muncul itu adalah jin yang ingin menyampaikan bahwa mereka ada di sekitar kita dan mempunyai kehidapan yang sama seperti kita. intinya kita sebagai makhluk ciptaan Tuhan,baik itu manusia maupun jin,seyogyanya saling menghormati dan tidak mengganggu kehidupan masing2 makhluk. terima kasih.


  5. As for me, I haven’t had a recurring dream. But If someone has, they must be obsessed by it. It is likely that what they usually dream about has a profoud impact on them. I don’t know any one who has dreamt continuously about a certain event. But In some horror films, you can take some examples!!!


  6. O meu sonho recorrente, vem desde a época de jovem quando tive o meu primeiro filho prematuro, ele faleceu depois de algumas horas. Depois disso sonho sempre que estou com um menino no colo.
    Acredito que isso acontece por eu nunca ter aceitado o seu falecimento.
    Abraços Mina!


  7. Acho que tem razao, Mina. Os nossos sonhos podem ser uma maneira de resolver ou lidar com um problema o sofrimento da nossa vida. Sinto muito o falecimento do seu filho e espero que voce possa encontrar a paz.


  8. I had a recurring dream about an ex girlfriend and of course while being her with she was a cheater and extremely ridiculous. Now that I’m actually happy with my new love I’m having dreams about my old love, which I never think of her, unless I’m thanking God I’m not with her anymore! So these dreams could only mean that she regrets what she put me through, I’m guessing!


  9. So a friend of mine suggest this audio book he discovered online. I Tried it out and allot of things I wondered about dreams were actually in this particular audio ,with outlooks of self love and answering questions about dreams it was pretty cool and just and instantly gained my interest. If you all interested in this type audio I believe you can just click here >http://465da6fyn83ohw3rkercg8we6f.hop.clickbank.net/


  10. I haven’t had a dream for a long time. Or should I say, I don’t remember my dreams usually by the time I wake up even though I sometimes have a vague feeling of “yeah, there was a dream that night but just can’t remember what it was about”.

    I think this may be related to the mind seeking for certain answers, or yearning for something, for wanting to run away from something. You know the saying: “Tom came to the party because he wasn’t invited.”


  11. Used to have a recurring dream only when I was a kid… of falling into dark pit. Most of the dreams nowadays are more story based and usually forgotten when I wake.
