If you knew you were going to live forever, what would change?

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  1. Looking over my Life to date @ 59…
    1.Spend less
    2.Love more
    3.Share myself more
    4.Have the joy of friendship
    5.Know that you are okay, and this is you!
    6.Dance more
    7. Sing with others
    9.Pay it forward openly
    10.Always, Always, be a DIVA!!!!


  2. I would grab a backpack, pack a few essentials and start travelling the world. I would not stop until I had visited every metropolis, city, town and village on Earth. I would work to improve the life of others wherever I went. By the time I would finish exploring I would be very tired so I would rest for about a century. Then I would take a spaceship and go explore the moon and Mars, after that, interstellar space. I would go on to discover new worlds and beings.


  3. I would have been more selfish, and I would be travelling the world for ever. Maybe I would have been happy.


  4. Ehi people, the question it’s much more serious than it appears at first sight…..unless you’ve always been living in the same town, city ,region ,state…….But that’s not my case fortunately enough….I spent more a decade among you, than got back to europe and now? Well I’m seriously questioning myself…….What do I want to do when I grow up…..We never grow up., I suppose ….What I mean is that if you’re curious enough you’ll never stop going.
    And that’s it’s exactly what I plan to do. Possibly spending some time here and there. My only daughter she’ll soon live and the nest will be empty.
    So from now on it’s on me to self determine my own path. Travelling seems to me the best way to know and live the real life. No one behind . Let it go . Good life to all of you.
    I hope you ‘ll find your own way you too.


  5. Uma vida infinita! so é possível com os planos de Deus,
    Deus nós prometeu em um plano espirítual vida eterna se seguirmos
    Seus Mandamentos , aqui na terra todos seres humanos com projetos
    iniciados, estudantes, trabalhadores, de bem como nós,
    ter oportunidades, mesmos idosos, de realizar-mos o termino de
    nossos trabalhos para servir de guia em gerações futuras,


  6. If I knew I was going to live forever, I would make it my business to become fluent in the languages that are dying. I would master all the ancient forms of self defense. I strongly believe that we shall stop progressing at some point and begin another dark age. Stupidity and Ignorance are easy and seem to be increasing in the younger generation. I witness young adults every day not even capable of filling out a simple job application.

    With the prison system becoming nothing more than colleges for criminals, we are approaching a critical point in the next societal change. Terrorist organizations bring entire countries to their knees with just a simple train bombing. Corrupt officials in are selling nuclear secrets with reckless abandonment – As long as they “get paid”.

    The reason for the languages is so that i will be able to communicate in secret between my generals. The reason for the ancient arts of self defense is so that i can rise to warlord status. We all know, might makes right. The mightier the person the more ignorant. Let’s be real how hard is it to pick things up and put them down!


  7. Wow, what a thought provoking question.

    I would take the time to make better decisions and choices that would effect a more positive outcome for my future.

    I would travel and appreciate each day as a blessing.

    I would treasure my family and not take friendships for granted.


  8. Well, I already am-you know the whole John 3:16 thing- but don’t live as if that’s true. I’m learning to live more in the present moment, thankfully. That’s kinda eternal right there.


  9. Frustration will not be in my vocabulary. I will be able to take all my time in the world to learn to mastery every activity under the sun. One of them being able to make the prettiest and most funky blog, making websites, creating music, playing with every instrument, playing with graphic design, making robots, building designer homes , wow lots to do.


  10. I agree with nantuckettiechic,
    I am planning on living forever because I am a born again christian. So, I think I would live just the same as I already do! I try to live each day to the fullest do the things that God has prepared for me to do on this earth!


  11. 1st we need to create a better education systime 4 our children 2nd we need to create a more stabble efficient energy source that stops harming the ozone in our galaxy 3rd stop all the wars over oil discrimination among all ppl of color different religions


  12. I’d cancel all my life insurance policies and take the money built up in them…then I’d blow it on shoes and spanx…gotta look good you know


  13. As a Christian, I believe that eternity is very real–and so is my opportunity to be a part of it. We are offered eternal life by faith in God’s grace. So I choose to live my life daily as if I will live forever. I seek to make choices I will not regret, correct as much as lies in my power choices I already do regret, make lasting, honest friendships, enjoy every moment–for there are lots more to come! Sure, my life may be put on “pause” a while, like so many who have gone before me, but I trust in God’s power to restore that life in me just as surely as He gave it to me in the first place! 🙂


  14. Mudaria toda a minha vida, viveria completamente diferente do que vivo hoje.
    Quando somos jovens temos muita ilusão, enxergamos a vida toda cor de rosa.
    Ao amadurecermos temos uma mente mais precisa, ai o tempo passou e passou!
    Abraços a todos!


  15. Well, there would be no rush so I would spend money all the time because I wouldn’t need to save.


  16. The thought of living forever gives me the creeps. But if I had too I learn travel and try to help others. I would try to learn languages I would have plenty of time. I wonder if we would blow up the earth by then.


  17. If we all could live forever we wouldn’t rush all these things we have to do in life like, college,marriage, sex, party, car wrecks, kids, in order to not get to old before we do these things! So everybody somewhere inside themselves has the notion of not letting time pass them by!
