If you knew you were going to die in 20 days, what would change?

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    1. I realized this is a serious question and not just a “trick question”.
      But why should we wait for “20 days before death” to change what we want to change? Right? Right!

      Anyway, if I knew I were going to die in 20 days, I would change the date of my death!

      I have powers.

      ENN on flavors.me


  1. I would quit my job, I would never fight with my family over anything, I would probably turn into a slut for a week and then try to be in a relationship for a week to get the best of both worlds, I’d take one last trip and tell TSA to stick it where the sun don’t shine and I would embarrass myself at every chance I got.


  2. I would change my thinking. Right now I tend to put things off “there is time to do it later” . Now I have a lot of things to get done with later coming n 20 days.

    Then I would have to make amends with family and dear friends. This would change their memory of me and let me go in peace.

    To get this done I would have to NOT sleep. I can see where this is going.. change again..

    at the end of 20 days I would be able to rest ❤


  3. I’dd quit my job and spend some time organizing all my junk. Then I’d give the good stuff away to family and friends, and throw the rest away. That also means I would be spending more of my time with friends and family, reminiscing and saying good-bye. If health allowed, I’d spend all the money I have left on traveling to see distant family and friends.. If health didn’t allow, I’d send them plane tickets so they could come and see me.


  4. I wouldn’t spend another minute on my job, but spend as much time as I could with my husband and sons. I would make sure that they know just how much I love them and will miss them and then continue trying to finish my book so that I will have something for them to remember by. Even if it doesn’t get published, the important people in my life will know who wrote the story. I would also write an individual letter to each of my family members to let them know what I really think of them, even the ones I don’t like. Just to remind them of how they affected my life.


  5. If I know that I am going to die within 20 days,It will make me more happy.I know once I must have die(because we are unable to prevent death) but it will be my pleasant that I will be the first man who know’s his date of death.Everybody knows their date of birth but no one knows his date of death before his death,if it happends naturaly.


  6. Eu suplicaria a meu bom Deus! no minimo mais 2 anos de vida tempo
    para complemento dos trabalhos para publicação de meu tão esperado
    primeiro livro, é muito tempo, mas o suficiente para apresentar algo melhor
    para Amigos leitores, é o que tenho também para desejar aos amigos do WP.
    e a conclusão de suas escritas trabalhos duros por parte dos escritores muitos
    já estão terminando seus trabalhos no final deste ano, e mensagens.


  7. Nothing. In fact I wouldn’t tell a soul. I would simply carry on as normal. I think most people would react by making drastic changes and these would simply not go unnoticed by those closest to you and questions would be raised. For me, I couldn’t bear putting my friends and family through the anguish of knowing my pending demise and so to save them the grief I would carry on as if nothing is wrong.


  8. I would spend time with family and friends and get all my precious stuff to to my daughter in the right place for her.


  9. this is a question I haven’t thought of. well, I think I would leave my work and then go rush to my family and spend the remaining days with them. Family is very important to me that I can face anything as long as I am confident that I have them beside me.


  10. Being a personal development facilitator and writer, I’ve had to ask myself and my students this many times. The answer is that I’d do exactly what I’m doing right now. Having considered it for many years, I decided to end my life with memories, not dreams and nothing is now left undone. I just live fully in every moment.


  11. I agree that, for the most part, if I want to make a change before I die, why not make it now? It seems more sensible to live my life with purpose all the way through and enjoy as much as possible the benefits as I go. I want to be right with God, show others in my life that they are valuable and special to me and to God, enjoy life’s small pleasures: a genuine smile, a butterfly flitting by, a cat’s purr, the warm summer sunshine…
    I suppose, in actuality though, if I knew with 100 percent certainty that I only had 20 days left, I am sure I would abandon my long-term projects and spend more time simply enjoying the people and activities I love most.


  12. I wouldn’t change too much. I had twenty-three wonderful years with my late husband and am ready to meet him and God whenever He is ready for me. We have three smart, funny, zany kids who I am always proud to claim as mine. I love my job, I have good friends and a super big sis who ( along with her husband) moved from her state to mine, when my husband died. Not much to complain about other than being widowed at 49 years old, that sucked big time. The only thing I might change would be the fact that the kids and I are all spread out. I would move everyone home for the time left and we would play like we used to when they were little and we were all together, Don, the kids and me.


  13. Se eu soubesse que iria morrer daqui há 20 dias, procuraria me divertir, coisa que nunca faço, uma boa viagem e só? Comer que nem louca não me apetece, compras menos ainda.
    Abraços a todos!


  14. I would “get my affairs in order” so that my passing wouldn’t be a burden for anyone. I would spend wonderful quality time with my family. And I would travel to Italy to see some of Michelangelo’s works.


  15. Not much would change, I don’t really mind the whole dying thing.
    I would still go to work, but I’d only come in for my classes (now I have to stay in the office the whole day, waste of time!). I would sleep in with The Boyfriend and we’d wake eachother up with lovemaking!
    I’d spent more money on nice food and drinks, because there’s nothing to save for.
    And I’d make sure those left behind don’t make a big deal out of my funural, just burn it and don’t waste money on a nice coffin that’s about to go up in flames! It would be nice to have wailing women present though…. you know those that you see in the middle east, that cry their eyes out with a lot of noise….
    Anyway, who cares, it’s gonna come sooner or later and if it’s sooner I’ll atleast die extremely beautiful and fantastic instead of in a nursing home or something…


  16. I’d spend time with family love ones make sure they were protected after my passing Let the ones I love know how much they were loved by me


  17. I would certainly change my underwear more often, drink and eat the stuff I know is bad for me….and ask for world peace 🙂


  18. That would all depend on how I would be able to influence that death. What I would really say though…..21 days later, the world would suck just a little bit more for having lost me.


  19. Just 20 days. A sobering thought. Not enough time to start up a business, so I’ll skip that. I’d accept invitations to Vienna to the wedding party and to Chamonix to see RoseMarie and Lisa and hang the cost. That’s 5 days. I’d go to Warsaw to for a couple of days to see my ex to explain why it didn’t work so that at least he understood. 7 days. I’d update my will and remove all possibilities for a family feud over it. 8 days. I’d spend at least a day with my sister and try to understand why she has been so angry at me for so many years. 10 days. I’d spend a morning choosing a really nice dress to wear and then get a really funky haircut and colour it with loads of different colours. 11 days. I’d hire a country house for a long weekend near a beach and a cook and someone to make the beds and have dinners in the evenings for anyone who wanted to come to see me. 15 days. By this point I guess I’m getting pretty emotional about the end. For some daft reason I’ve started to think about packing a suitcase. How daft. Maybe I’d travel to Rome for a couple of days to do a yoga class with Gabriel and Milcha. 17 days. The last three days, I don’t know. Eat good food, have a lot of kids around, drink good wine, listen to Beethoven. Write a blog about what it’s like to know you’re for sure going to die in 20 days. Interesting exercise.


  20. I would take a trip to places I’ve never been before. But when the end was near I would travel to a familiar and wonderful place where I could be surrounded by loved ones and where I could spend my last hours admiring a beautiful view, listening to beautiful music, or the sound of the ocean, or the sound of steadily falling rain.


  21. Wow only 20 days to live! The first and most thing is to get myself together spiritually because I know I’ll be dying in 20 days. And make some enhanced in person visits with all my closet family and friends!
