Do you think people should have the right to commit suicide?

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  1. First you have to Live in order to Die! For someone who watched someone
    die a very slow & painful death from Pancreatic Cancer, I would say Yes.
    After all it is there body, they have done to it what they wanted when it was young and firm, and healthy, so why not if it is broken, spent, damaged and infirm. We don’t understand, Death so it frightens us and when something frightens us we tend to hold onto things that are comforting to us.
    People, who have Loved us, needed us, and we hoped would die from natural causes.
    Euthanasia has been accepted for animals, and the Death Penalty for harden criminals, and we allow those types of executions, but still hold onto the myths of Suicide, and the stigma of Euthanasia! WHY!!!


  2. A person has the right not only to get suicide but also to get any other he can. Right is not the responsibility and ability. That right cannot be commanded by any other.

    There is a saying: “Right is Choice”. A person have the right to choice A or B ( or C and so on, that we could not see but he only. ) But to determine that he is wise or poor, it depends on whether what he’ve choiced is good or bad on his environment , how much and how he effected.

    That’s my thought-sharing. What do you think?


  3. Yes. I was my grandmother’s caretaker as she slowly suffered through ALS. She and I talked about it and at one time it was her wish to end her life on her own terms. I think I would have helped her if that is truly what she wanted. It is so hard to know until you are actually faced with the moment. Is suffering and pain so great that it must be managed by drugs as you pass to the other side, the way God intended? Who knows. I know that we seem to have more compassion for dying animals than we do for some humans. We will never all agree but it is so important to keep talking about it. We can’t change what we won’t acknowledge.


  4. Certainly YES! I commented on my blog the Eideard one and I think that individual rights are the most important values to be safeguarded!


  5. Not long after my brother took his life a close friend of mine commented on the selfishness of the act of suicide. I knew she was referring to my grief as well as to his unborn son but still, I resented the comment. My brother had never reached the age of 30 before he took his life and although I understand the demons of depression all too well, I have to wonder what would have happened if he had waited one more day. Please, don’t get me wrong, its not that I agree or disagree with assisted suicide. I believe each case is individual and unique. Yet, there are variables that should be considered. In my brother’s case drug withdrawal and alcohol were factors that might have contributed to his suffering and final decision. In cases of terminal illnesses the question of what kinds of mind altering concoctions are playing with the individuals decision? Understandably, some drugs are required to ease physiological pain but I would wonder how the drugs were effecting an individual’s reason. I have witnessed pain and suffering, and have been compassionate and empathetic to agree with assisted suicide, it is ethically a slippery slope that each case requires careful consideration.


  6. When we come to this world is not of our own volation. Two individuals brings us to this world with this gift of life. Life is a gift. If is so , then for me we don’t have the right to terminate it. Sufferings and trials are art of its existence. So we are called to embrace sufferings. Unless we understand its meaning and purpose of our existence in world then suffering becomes useless to us we get rid of it.


  7. Well, I think it’s their choice…but it’s not a solution. They have the right … but we have the responsability as citizen to help them and refer them to specialist such psy or like hospital… for their good.


  8. no way they don’t have the right to do this
    cause it’s totally wrong
    and there isn’t any use of it
    and kiling yourself is not nice
    and for me in my religion its forbidden to do this


  9. People should have the right to commit suicide, after all it is their lives. This applies doubly to terminal patients who no longer have a quality of life and will only slowly waste away, suffering extreme agony. The only objection to suicide is through the religious expecting everybody to conform to what they think.

    Nice that such a “loving” and “caring” god and belief system actually wants people to suffer horribly, isn’t it?


  10. Eu sou inteiramente a favor do suícidio sim, principalmente para as pessoas que estão muito doentes e não querem mais viver, ou que vivem como vegetais. Eu mesma, e o meu marido já fizemos duas cartas se nos acontecerem algo grave não queremos viver como plantas.
    Espero que a nossa vontade seja respeitada.
    Abraços a todos!


  11. For a perfectly healthy and able bodied person, suicide is a cowardly and selfish act. That person is removing themselves from the potential to make a good impact on someone else’s life. The idea disgusts me.

    However, for those who are terminally ill or very old and nearing the end of their life where pain is their only companion, I’d have to say it’s their choice. I’m sure if I was laying in a bed near to death and in pain that can’t be taken away I would want that option to end it.


  12. Euthanasia. Since it is a morally slippery slope, how does one distinguish acts of reliving pain of the sufferer vs one of self-relieving burden of the caregiver ?
    When is it Euthanasia, when is it Murder ? Shall we argue only after the fact of the act ?



    I click the switch inside my head and climb into my morbid bed.
    Then fall asleep until I wake with tears of sadness on my face.
    Shadowed with no conscience thought while slipping into deeper thought
    My brain it crashes overload, no comfort, my mind will soon explode.

    Debt piles in mountains where I stood, and pulls me down its darkest road.
    No silver lining only black, my eyes closed tight from all of that.
    Voices in a distance speak my eyes unmoved, I cannot seek,
    My mind closed down there’s no one there; try again when I’m in there.

    One day has gone the worries stay; they never ever go away,
    I try to pray but all seems lost, my stupid dreams came at a cost.
    Failure years of money spent, not once did I make a single cent.
    The mortgage, children, husband to, I failed them all and now I’m through.

    I cannot face another day crushed and lost I fly away into the darkness of my mind
    No thoughts, no dreams of any kind, sleeping until the healing time when through the haze that switch clicks back inside my mind and pulls me out of my attack My husbands holds me very close, while God whispers in my ear, “ Hang on tight, I’m always here”.

    Written May 13, 2010
    By Susan Oliver.


  14. No one has a right to take his life as its a gift from GOD .The person who takes his own life must be really depressed or medically ill but still these things can be sorted out by lot of hard work on the personality .These things need to be changed right after they happen to a person (like depression).Life is a beautiful gift on this universe ,it depends on how we look at the life .We need to have a positive attitude to look at the life .


  15. When you are sick in the head, logic has gone out the window. The fact that we may think it wrong, reasoning is not there. The deep pit of despair takes over and there is nothing to keep you sane. Saying life is beautiful you are not sick you are well while the sick person has a future like a black tunnel,the future has gone. All has gone like a switch when you put a light out. There are no ifs, ands, or buts the person does not see any other way , there but for the grace of God, that could be you.


  16. humz05 is right “No one has a right to take his life as its a gift from GOD”
    so whats the purpose of living in this world if you will take away your own life.
    Life is a precious Gift from God.


  17. I think people don’t have the right to commit suicide. First of all, our lives is not ours. It’s God gift to us so why use it in a wrong way. Some people commit suicide because they have problems or they want to end hardships but let’s just remember that it’s a challenge that we must face. A challenge that makes us strong and molds our personality better. I believe that if we encounter hundreds of problems, God will give us millions of blessings in return. So , don’t commit suicide and use your life in a better way because its a blessing . Live life to the fullest !


  18. Absolutely. We have the right to life, and what we mostly do with that life, and its only fair for us to have the right to death. I don’t think it is a great thing and I feel so terrible for the people who see that as their last option, but it is their option. Sometimes there is just too much in this world to bear, and the only people who know how heavy that burden is, are the ones carrying it. Because of that I feel the way you deal with your own life should be completely up to you.
