Describe the last time you were truly surprised.

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  1. the last time i was suprised was at my lacrosse game i caught a ball and scored without evening knowing it


  2. Last time I was surprised was a few weeks ago my anniversary gift from my wife arrived early (our date is 5/29) it was a letter bascially saying she had got me a subscription to one of my magazines for the next 2 years…it did say Happy Anniversary and that the 1st magazine should arrive in May….I felt bad for her though that the surprise was ruined.


  3. when i didn’t accept a friend request on facebook, or respond to an email, and the guy still had the nerve to ask for my number and if i wanted to hang out. umm hello! – not interested!


  4. When the house cleaners I hired last week charged me an arm and a leg and didn’t do a darn thing (except scratch up the refrigerator).


  5. Anytime I turn in paperwork that doesn’t require revisions or attachments. I’m also surprised when I show up early to appointments and get helped early. The one time I went to the DMV and was seconds in line was pretty shocking.


  6. Eu tenho muito a agradecer por todas as bondades , e mensagens de apoio e
    de esperanças pelas quais algumas me surpreende muito , e estou surpreso
    por eu poder trabalhar para um livro de poesias.

    Na semana passada muitos acontecimentos me abalaram minha vida ,nada
    melhor que uma mensagem de esperança não só para mim, mas para todos
    que enfrentam situações difíceis de formas diversas.uma Amiga Susan me
    enviou um vídeo de um hino evangélico, nem só me surpreendeu como me
    emocionou muito eu ouvi e senti que ainda temos esperanças de dias melhores . ou no mínimo um homem bom ter o direito de viver.

    A felicidade de termos o Senhor
    como nosso Pastor

    O senhor é meu pastor; nada me faltará.
    Deitar-me faz em verdes pastos, guia-me mansamente a águas tranqüilas
    *ou de descanso
    Refrigera a minha alma; guia-me pelas veredas da justiça por amor a seu nome.Ainda que eu andasse pelo vale da sombra da morte, não temeria
    mal algum, porque tu estás comigo; a tua vara e o teu cajado me consolam.
    Preparas uma mesa perante mim na presença de meus inimigos, unges a minha cabeça com o óleo, o meu cálice Transborda . Certamente que a bondade e a misericórdia me seguirão todos os dias da minha vida; e habitarei na casa do Senhor por longos dias.

    Obrigado Instrutor Scott.
    Minhas Saudações a todos os membros do WP.


  7. The last time I was truly surprised was the first time my gas pump receipt showed $50. I stared at it, not believing what I saw. This had to be the receipt from the previous customer, most the driver of a pickup truck. But then I looked at the pump display. It could not be denied; it was my receipt. I stood there a few seconds more, numb, before I slowly got in the car and drove away.


  8. unfortunately I have not had any surprises lately, good or bad. I wish I could say I won the lotto , now THAT would be surprising !


  9. Eu estou muito surpresa, de ter arrumado uma amiga muito querida aqui neste nosso blog.
    O meu carinho por ela é imenso, sei que ela também gosta de mim, só sinto que nunca nos conheceremos pessoalmente, pois somos duas pessoas idosas.
    Fico a cada dia impressionada com a sua inteligencia e cultuta.
    Faço questão de te homenagear no nosso blog, querida amiga.
    A você querida flor todo o meu carinho!
    Abraços a todos!


  10. If I am not surprised everyday, then I have not lived that day. Everything is amazing, I find things everyday to be in awe of, just look around you at all that is before you.
    Go be amazed!


  11. I dont think i’ve ever been surprised in my entire life time now almost 59yrs , so I wish I knew what it would be liked to be surprised but with some thing good of course LOL


    1. That’s saddening. I wish I knew your address. I would have sent you a snail mail so you’ll be surprised. I’ve said it. You won’t be surprised anymore even if I really do send you a mail.

      I checked your blog. I think I need to wear sunglasses.


  12. I was surprised to be accepted by a local college at the age of 58 years old. I will complete my bachelor’s degree at the age of 60.


  13. The last time I was surprised was… yesterday. I finished my year’s teaching practice (secondary school) and my students presented my with not one but TWO “Thank You” cakes. Plus a shopping voucher. Shunning my materialism, the cuteness and surprise were in the cakes!
