Finding My Voice via Reflective Blogging | Throwing Back Tokens

When I think back on when I first started blogging, I am amazed at the changes I’ve gone through. It’s hard to pinpoint if I changed because of my blog, or if I changed alongside my blog. No matter what the case may be, I’ve changed.

Blogging helped me create my own voice. When I first started teaching, like many teachers, I had low self-confidence. I wasn’t satisfied with my teaching, and I knew I could be a better teacher. As soon as I was introduced the to process of reflective teaching, I knew this was a remedy for my low self-esteem.

When I reflected, I gained courage. I realized that if an activity didn’t go well, I could try it out another time, and at that time it probably would get better. I knew this because I learned from experience. If I reflected, made an action plan, and tried that new plan, the new plan was almost always a success.

Excerpted from Finding My Voice via Reflective Blogging | Throwing Back Tokens.

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  1. Hello Erica,
    Thank you so much for posting my blog under the inspiration category of the Daily Post! It means a lot to me on many levels.

    The first that comes to mind is the fact that one of my goals in writing is to inspire others to share their teaching stories too. Knowing that I have inspired someone outside of the teaching profession is even more rewarding. Your re-post also gives me the boost I need for my upcoming presentation. I’ve been nervous about it – even going as far as having nightmares – but knowing that I have support out there in the blogosphere gives me more energy to pump out an awesome experience for my audience.

    I think you are all doing inspiring work at WordPress. Not only do you provide a great platform, but you also provide an extremely supportive community.

    Thank you for reading,


  2. I believe our voice is in our blogs it is who we are and yes we become stronger ever time we write some how we find new ways to express ourself in a different new way its almost as a broadway show were performing sort of but we’re the director and the producer. idk just my thoughts could be wrong


    1. Such a creative way to look at blogging. I love the idea of being the Broadway director and producer of my blog. Thank you for reading Debra!


  3. Maravilhoso , quando li me encantei um verdadeiro poema.
    Encontrar minha voz, meus parabéns por essa linda postagem e palavras.
    Adorei, tudo.
    Abraços a todos!


    1. Thank you Mina! I’m not sure what you wrote, but it seems positive 🙂 All the best with your blogging!


  4. You are great to do this for us, from these great article we cal learn many things that we didn’t before. In some degrees, It teach us how to do the daily things more better. thank you very much. You can also have a look at 2011 Jersey.


  5. Thanks for putting words that I can relate to as a new blogger! Those are thoughts I have also and what I hope to have happen as I blog. Thank you!


    1. I appreciate the feedback Stacey, and I’m happy I could inspire you! Best of luck with your blogging!


  6. you wrote (well said): “It’s hard to pinpoint if I changed because of my blog, or if I changed alongside my blog. No matter what the case may be, I’ve changed.” Writings, feedbacks, rankings of topics: they change us …


  7. I enjoyed reading your blog. I started writing to giveme a place where I could log my thoughts. Sometimes I am not sure what to write, and use the prompts. I do not write as much as I would like to, I am a bit unsure how this blog things works.
    I decided to comment on your blog, since it voiced something I can relate to. I am ot a teacher, but I seem to have so mny thoughts running around in my head, it is interesting to look back on things I wrote and get a perspective on who I am.


    1. Thank you for your comment! Yes blogging is a medium where you can see the progress of your thoughts. It really helps to see how you have changed and developed. It is also a great way to get a hold of all those thoughts running through your head. I hope you enjoy your blogging experience as much as I do 🙂


  8. I’m a retired teacher and enjoy your blog. Excellent idea to reflect and I encourage you to help your students to go through the process as well. My blog is random reflections but it means I’m sharing my stories and my spirit.


    1. Thank you for reading and for your comment! I think that is what I love most about blogging; it’s all about sharing stories and spirit. I wish you all the best on your explorative blogging journey. 🙂
