Help a friend not quit Post a Day

Apparently someone around here, who might be named Bella Fox, is thinking of quitting Post a Day. Me thinks the devil is definitely involved.

Can you help her out by stopping by her blog today, A Commuter’s journal, and giving her some Daily Post love on her post? In Likes and Comments? Or just drop a comment here with a short word of encouragement? Thanks.

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  1. I think I need to first help my self to be committed to postaweek2011 challenge. I just thought that posting a post each day would be difficult for me that I picked postaweek challenge that most suits me. But I pay my whole respect to those who keep struggling to postaday challenge. For those, I’d like to support:

    Come on guys, You have made it… Don’t give up… Throw away the devil involved in slowing you down…. You can make it… Chayoooo…!


  2. It’s just possible that Bella finds the prompts too hard for her. So here’s my suggestion to Post a Day: Why not let the participants miss a day’s prompt but instead fill it up with their own out-of-the-prompt topic?


    1. Pochp: There has never been any obligation for anyone to use our prompts – they are purely optional. The goal here is to help give people ideas and a some sense of community for their blogging efforts. Make sense?

      So Bella, you, or anyone are free to blog about whatever you like at any time. If you’re in either challenge, you just have to make sure you blog once per interval (day/week).


      1. I know it’s there’s no obligation. My point is the participants might think otherwise and I’m just trying to help clear that up. Am I making sense now?


  3. Bella and Scott,
    I’m in two minds about this… torn between wanting to spur Bella on, and knowing when you have taken on seriously more than you can comfortably do.
    If the struggle is “just” discipline and you can and want to do it but are not getting around to it, then take heart dear friend, you CAN do it!

    …. but if blogging is effecting your relationships, kids, work, and gone from being a fun thing and become a burden then maybe posting once a week is better?

    I’ve come to realise that I find writing easy but many people don’t.
    Yes, they DO want to write, no doubt about that, but inspiration drips out like drops in the dessert some days and not like the gash in the water mains as I find it.
    If Bella is someone who finds inspiration difficult, then maybe slower is better… set a more realistic goal of how often you’d like to write, and stick to it.

    Bella, you write well… if inspiration is the problem then think of your hobbies, your passions, things dear to your heart and write about that.
    If anyone is actually having fun blogging though, I’d have doubts about pushing them to complete something when their heart isn’t in it.

    Do we all feel a bit lazy/busy/sick/over committed some days? Heck yes! (keep a few posts in “reserve” and throw them into the schedule when you need a day off blogging… I keep several weeks worth of “spares”!)

    These “spares” are ALL posts I’m passionate about, I just kicked myself to write about extra topics when I could so if I am busy travelling or the day has been too much physically (I’m currently recovering from an accident) I can just amend the date and pop a post in the queue.
    Blogging as efficiently as possible also keeps the pressure off and keeps it fun!

    Only Bella can knows if deep in her heart she is being lazy and needs a small shove to persevere or if her life/blogging balance situation demands a rethink.
    Good Luck Bella, and anyone else like you in this situation! 🙂


  4. Bella, First I want to give credit to ALL of the the daily bloggers, it is a gift. I don’t know how you do it, really! I post once a week, and am so grateful that I joined the challenge. I think my writing has improved and I find myself paying attention to things that I never noticed before. Now, I see or read something and think, “I can write about that!”. Whether anyone cares or not, well that is ours to determine, right? You have obligations to yourself and family, they should be first and foremost. Maybe a few days off would give you a re-charge? Do what you need to do – your writing is really good . Good luck Bella!


  5. I did my part to help her regain the self-confidence to continue. I hope I also helped her with a better understanding of her last post on “satan”. I hope so anyways! Go Bella!


  6. Bella, I quit postaday2011 and went to postaweek2011. My advice….it’s really NOT easier. It just gives you more room to procrasinate. I adore all my posts that I did for poastaday and wish I would have kept up.

    No one minds a short post when you lack inspiration. You can do it!


  7. Keep it up Bella! I know how challenging it can be! My blog is ‘topic specific’ and there are days when I have a very hard time! And it shouldn’t be since my topic is one of gratitude! I have so much to be thankful for…. it’s just that I am trying not to repeat the same topic and sometimes that’s so hard since I’m so often grateful for the same things over and over!
    You can do it…. I’ve learned a lot about discipline in this challenge and continue to grow as a person. You will too. Good luck!


  8. I am terrible at motivating others, let alone myself. If you are thinking of giving up, part of yourself is already convinced it’s a good idea. My advice is to quit. If it’s work, or pulling teeth, and you don’t want to do it, don’t do it. Writing everyday is not easy. In fact, writers write every day as a job, so this is essentially like having a second job with no income. Why take on the extra stress? Hell, sometimes I only manage 150 words in a day.

    Yet, if writing is important to you, then press on, damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead. The road is long, the sky is ominous, but you certainly aren’t alone.


    1. You probably hit the nail on the head. You either blog, or you don’t blog, but it’s okay to come and go too. I like to write, and blogging has filled that need very well. But not having readers can be isolating, so that’s part of the challenge in balancing what you do with your blog. In the end, it’s up to each individual. Hard choices…

      but as you say…we’re all in the same boat…hugmamma.


  9. Yeah, I knew I had to choose Post-a-Week over the daily. I’ve slipped up, but I’m back. No Quitting y’all!


  10. Three of my buddies have now dropped out…and classyrose of “thing is life I find annoying” just disappeared off the face of the earth 😦 No response to my numerous emails NOTHING. If anyone knows of her whereabouts it would be great to know she is OK – please send me an email and let me know.
    Congratulations to all the PAD’s who are still plodding along 🙂
    Keep going…:)
    PiP 8)


  11. I signed up for postaweek with some trepidation and now find myself posting more than once a week, but I feel like the pressure is off that way. And, as I read in other replies, a post doesn’t have to be long. Short and sweet can be really good!
    You can do it! I’ll make a personal visit over to Bella’s blog.


  12. Oh wow. I seem to have ripped a hole in the blogging universe. Don’t worry, I can fix it (pulls out duct tape) 36 comments on my blog, I can feel the love. OK! I won’t quit.


  13. It’s pretty tough keeping up with the blogging challenge. With less and less time to do things it certainly makes it a lot harder. The thing I found is the fact that people stop by my blog leave an odd comment here and there keeps me going. Makes me feel that it’s worth doing and people enjoy what I do. 


  14. Olá Scott e Bella, é tão gostoso participar desses Tópicos, eles nos incentivam tanto, não desista não! Olha eu comecei tão sem saber como participar e fui indo, acho ótimo, posso te convidar para participar do meu blog? Quem sabe você se anima? Será um prazer enorme em te receber ok?
    E coitado do Scott, eu gosto muito dele, ele não tem culpa do seu desanimo.
    Vamos lá menina animo já!
    Abraços a todos!


  15. I’m struggling with postaweek. I suppose postamonth sort of defeats the purpose? 🙂 I, too, admire the postadayers. Great job!


  16. Left Bella a message of support. Seems she’s gotten lots and lots of comments since Daily Post singled her out. She’s as happy as a lark, and decided to keep going. I think we all just need readers who take the time to talk to us once-in-awhile. Otherwise it can feel like you’re holed up in a cave somewhere.

    so i add my congrats to all of us who keep plugging away…hugmamma. 😉


  17. I have not been a consistent blogger, daily or weekly. I signed up for postaday with the aim to become more disciplined. I later I learnt a great lesson about communication from @hugmamma 🙂 this week. It is important to let our fellow bloggers know that we visited by being courteous – just a note to say “I stopped by today” whether we love or like their content or neither. It also helps to acknowledge the persons who subscribe and like our post. To my fellow bloggers, let us continue to share and encourage each other to do our best.


  18. really Quick jump whas your name liketo say hello move back really fast then then tell me a effort thinking to be started instead of losing stopping your post today bigger thoughts are better writing created in boistered reality why again would you think of quiting those creative ideas your sending keep them thoughtful gained ideas in front. again its a great to start never know what to becomes of here grab a beverage instead really fast drink it garbage or sink your speciality then express the oxygen felt as you continued to write type instead of quiting and see if the typing quirkly expressed thoughts arn the better side of quiting this post this week . it better now than before someone her to speak alot to withother started ideas in writing order whas your beverage cold or warm in a fashion glassy mug gobblet or super fast paper cup plastic cup or unbiodegradable stirophome cup i said garbage ahh no using it again or did you just heard me say it no listen and dry mouth type are we ready no Quiting I could smile grinn say no tupt than creative wordly push ups. Iaa exileratin
    Coming up
