Forget 2012, when do you think the world will end?

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    1. I think so to,
      the world will always survive, but us humans are just one of the many species that will get extinct. Just think about the climate change.


  1. The Bible says, that “he will come like a thief in the night.” That is all I know.


    1. yes. I’ve read about this doomsday thing in the bible. it can be found in the book of Matthew. I think its chapter 23 verse?


  2. Depends on your definition of “the world”.

    Planet Earth has about 7 billion years left before being recycled into the sun. That is a lot of time. Presuming we don’t eradicate ourselves in the meantime, I figure it is enough time for us to work out other solutions – interplanetary/interstellar exodus, or perhaps a way to live so efficiently we become independent ofthe need for stellar energy. If we manage that, we have about 10^100 years before all matter will have totally lost cohesion.

    So if we avoid self-immoltion and solar immolation, we have a while before “the world” ends.

    More importantly, as far as 2012, that is just when the Mayan calendar runs out. last I checked, my calendar runs out December 31, but I can always seem to find a new one before THE END, thus preventing the end of the world.

    I figure the Mayan calendar guy got tired after figuring out 4,000 years of calendar dates, and decided that he’d done enough work on it, and figured that someone in that 4,000 year period would pick up where he left off. Since no one ever got around to it (“there’s always next year”), the Mayan calendar runs out nest year. Who knew the world would end because some lazy Mayan procrastinated on making next year’s calendar?


    1. Wow – complex answer! You must not have any kids – more free time than I. Would you like to do my taxes (way too complex these days)?


      1. Nah, google is my friend re stats when the sun/universe are due to end.

        The Mayan calendar rant is something I have been going on (and on) about for a while (just ask my kids), so that just came spilling out of me just as fast as my fingers could press keys.

        Got my taxes done in Feb, have a computer prog to figure them for me, but still took more than 2 days, so no thanks.

        If I had a surplus of time, I would create a blog that I could write about random subjects. As it is I am woefully behind on my existing blogs, bogged down in research for a post (and the avoidance thereof). The daily prompt has become my daily nag and guilt inducer. Which I occasionally respond to by posting here what I coan’t on my blog.

        Keeps me what I laughingly refer to as “sane”.


    2. This is more of a reply to your subsequent comment. So for you free time equates to time to blog on random subjects? Lack of free time is what accounts for the randomness of my blog. As for sanity? Eh…overrated.


      1. maybe lack of free time equates to unintellible replies! 🙂

        This kind of random stuff takes much less focus than a real blog post. My blog sticks to pretty limited subjects (hence my contribution earlier this week to the daily promopts), and I am committred to substantial posts as much as possible. An additional blog not limited to the subjects on my current blog is a commitment I don’t have time for.

        Let me know if I am still not making any sense. 🙂


    3. From what I have read and heard, the Mayan calendar does not even go to 2012. My understanding is that that is inaccurate and just part of the hype of this topic.


      1. Damn lazy Mayans, not even making their calendar go to 2012!

        I bet the world already came to an end and we all were so worried about 2012 that we didn’t even notice!

        Lazy and distracting!


  3. nós não sabemos nem o filho sabe, nem o dia nem a hora .
    Deus sabe , não nós revelou , mas deixou os sinais para
    os fins dos tempos, Relatos nos Livros de Lucas, Matheus , e
    Apocalipse. livro das revelações . São Jõao .


  4. First The Anti-Christ has to be revealed then there is 7 years tribulation then the world ends. The Bible – Only truth we have here!!


  5. As per Hindu mythology, it will take thousands of more years to the final deluge. Sins of people must reach its crescendo that God himself can not tolerate and exterminate the universe. Kali Yuga must ripe and what we experience is only the tip of the ice berg. Our own birth would have taken hundred more cycles. Don’t worry now since we have better worries like tsunami, nuclear devastation and corruption.


  6. Do modo como o mundo se encontra, será que chegaremos até 2012?
    Tenho minhas duvidas, clima, terremotos, tsunami, violência sem limites.
    E tantas outras ocorrencias tão nefastas, nessas alturas não sei não.
    Abraços a todos!


  7. According to W.B. Yeats – could be tomorrow…..

    Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
    The best lack all conviction, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity…………..
    … twenty centuries of stony sleep
    Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
    … And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
    Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?


  8. The world will end when everything in the Bible has come to past, based on Christian belief and I am a Christian. However, scientist as well as doomsday seekers will intellectualize what they have researched somewhere written by man, just as the Bible is, but inspired by God–what will take place next year. This is crazy, not that there is not some truth in it all, but if one reads and follow the signs that are prevailing, it is obvious the Bible presents truth that is more factual. Mind you, I am not a person who feels that my belief shatters what others believe because I am not the one to do that. The Bible reads, “My people perish from a lack of wisdom” Hosea4:6


  9. If I’m going to based it on what’s happening around us, I’m going to say that 2012 is the best date to end the world. But, if you were to ask me when and answer it in my own opinion, I’m not going to answer anything. Truthfully saying, I don’t want this world to end. I still want to do things and stuff. But, if the world will really end soon then I have no choice to accept it. I’m not God. So the best thing to do now is just enjoy life.




  11. The world will end when the value of human life is left riding shotgun to a robot whos more involved in facebook than the web.
    No..really the world is as strong as we teach our children green, and live as examples.
    Just an opinoin.
