What topics do *you* want to see?

We’re close to topic #100 and we’ve been remiss – One intention we’ve had at the bottom of our hearts was to build a community around blogging and developing ideas – its been too one way so far.

To change this, we want to post topics that come from you – what topics do you want to see? Leave ’em in the comments.

I know some of you have complained in the past about how lame some of our topics have been and the shameful anti-puppy bias we have at times expressed – here’s your chance to show us what you’ve got.

Topics we pick will include a link to your blog in our post! More traffic for you.

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    1. I think this is a good one- I resolved to start writing some more “intelligent” posts (as opposed to my usual fluff about dating) at the beginning of the year but have yet to do so…


  1. I would love to hear how my fellow bloggers deal with blogging about people they know (or in my case, people they date) and how they avoid pissing them off in the process! Do you tell people you’d like to blog about them? Do you give them veto/editorial power? Do you blog anonymously and/or create code names for your “subjects?” My blog has cost me several relationships and I’m wondering how others manage to navigate these rather murky waters…


    1. I usually create code names. Maybe describing the situation by seeming like you observed this behavior and were not directly involved with it. If it’s something light-hearted and you could tell the person and they won’t get mad I would be honest and tell them.


    1. I’m slowly raising my hand here. My photo this week is of my cat. When I decide which photo to shoot or use each week, the first thing I think is no cats, dogs, flowers or cute babies. The cute babies I don’t worry about, my kids are almost grown but not yet pregnant. So that leaves, cats, dogs and flowers. Yep you’ll see these type photos mingled among the others. Hadn’t thought of bacon. Maybe that’ll be next weeks shot!


  2. What makes you laugh?

    I have had a great deal of pleasure poking fun at the WordPress prompts and prompter, but I can’t recall that you’ve sent any prompts that actively encourage a funny response.


    1. The train / puppy topic was my idea of a funny topic – It’s clear your topic picker is has a quite twisted sense of humor.


  3. Write about:
    1. Earliest childhood memory.
    2. The first day…(of school, college, a new job)
    3. The last time you were scared.
    4. First pet
    5. TV: Idiot box or blissful past time
    6. Favorite toy when you were a kid
    7. One wish (Not three and no extra wishes)
    8. What do you do for a living?
    9. If you could try something new, what would it be? Why? (Money is no object. Go crazy.)
    10. Deja Vu


  4. futurist themes, for example: the future of various technology, food, the environment, housing, cars, gene splicing, forensics – you name it. Think science fiction.


  5. I love tv shows, movies, books, food, music, website, product, etc. same way that I love blogging. It would be nice for bloggers to actually make reviews not because they are selling it literally but writing about it for applauding something.


  6. 1. What is one simple thing you can do to help someone else?
    2. What is one simple thing someone can do to help you?
    3. Describe a time when you have genuinely been caught by surprise.
    4. Describe a time when your heart stopped for a moment. (Can be due to extreme pleasure, or extreme surprise, or extreme sorrow…)
    5. What is the quirkiest thing you *currently* do that no one would ever guess about you?


  7. I like the idea of making different posts about each of our emotions. For example what makes you smile, sad, angry, happy, excited etc maybe in less than 500 words – photo is optional
    Take a photograph and talk about it…For example the Weekly Photo challenge is wasted in a way, as many just post a photo. You could use the challenge one week to create a story around the photo.


    1. I like these, Ms. Piglet. And I enjoy your use of the photo prompts. I think you’ve nailed it—why I don’t get excited about the photo prompts. But linking to a wee essay makes sense to me!


      1. Hi Jan,
        I personally find thinking about the photo prompts and how to use them in a post really enjoyable. Ideas then just flow naturally. I believe the post should also encourage others to join in some friendly banter and discussion at the same time:) The post then becomes more about community…you think about my crazy posts about the Ocean and then Light. However, I am lucky to ahve some great buddies and we all like a laugh 🙂


      2. I already do this and love it. The photo prompts give leeway and therefore leave room for the serious-minded, which helps me! I was going to propose this, myself, for once a week.


    2. Yep PiP,
      Anything that triggers emotions gets our creative juices flowing… and I’ve used some of the prompts from Daily Post to have a lot of fun like my give me a break post on what we’d like to redesign.
      What I love about the Weekly Photo Challenge is that it gives us a chance to weave a story around the pictures we select and I have a ton of fun doing that every week. Some of my other blog buddies do add stories to their photos too. So I would add that Scott give us a choice of 3-4 pictures to write an adventurous story around 1-2 of them… heck, we can even substitute our own pictures and write a short story on it. 8)


  8. Acts of kindness that shouldn’t be random
    the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen
    the ugliest thing you’ve ever seen
    Song that makes you cry every time and why
    if you could spend time with anybody from the past–who would it be?
    A photo opportunity you missed and can still kick yourself about
    how revisiting a place or book or movie or person from the past made you feel
    Your favorite thing to stare at for an hour–what mesmerizes you?


  9. Death, dysfunction, and taxes.
    Probably not for everyone. Then perhaps moments during the day that others notice, i.e., a bit of growth signaling spring, (in Alaska now that’s mud), a moment of joy, a gentle, kind gesture or thought, and other such “moments” that we might otherwise miss or overlook when writing and shooting photos.


  10. I like to write about stories related to any song that will pop in head. If you are thinking of any particular song, does that song reminds you of a particular event or people in your life?


  11. YEA! It’s about time. When this started I envisioned all kind s of coo ideas, then left them behind. I will try to remember some of them.



  12. Blog about real issues that plague everyone from all walks of life. I blogged about Marriage after 35, is it really worth the ride?
    Politics in public schools, does not help the inner city youth. What has been said about that on WordPress?
    What about men not taking care of their children, I also blogged about that. Lame subjects have been blogged about, and that is okay, let’s communicate about helping the struggle of so many youths who have it really hard today!!


    1. I think these are brilliant ideas. Instead of the ‘what if’s, let’s talk more about what’s actually happening and generate ideas on how to improve life.
      Now that’ll surely generate some conversations…


  13. 1. If you had to lose one of your five senses which one would it be and why?
    2. Have you ever considered writing a book? If so what kind?
    3. What do you secretly hope to gain from blogging? Do you see yourself still doing it 5 years from now?
    4. Do you have a cause that you ‘re passionate about? What is it?
    5. If you had a chance to go back to high school knowing what you know now, would you change anything or do it all the same?
    6. Who or what inspires you?
    7. If you could create your own tv show what would it be?
    8. When I was your age…
    9. What would be some of the perks of your dream job (i.e. I get to wear jeans to work)?
    10. Why is this (topic) headline news?
    11. Story behind your first broken bone/stitches.
    12. Love to travel? What are your top five places to visit?
    13. Forget 2012, when do you think the world will end?
    14. In your opinion, what’s the most underrated electronic device?
    15. You’re going to be sent away to a deserted island for a year and you’re allowed an mp3 player (among other things) that holds 20 songs. What songs would you pick that you can listen to again and again?


  14. I have a bunch! Thanks for opening this up for everyone.
    Well, I certainly won’t be having a problem with Writer’s Block anytime soon, not with all the topics by DailyPost, and the surplus of topics I developed with a friend of mine.

    Here’s some prompts you might spot popping up sometime when there’s no reviews or our other typical topics (feel free to use some for your blog!):

    1. Write about your life’s biggest adventure.
    2. Write about your top ten hobbies – elaborating on each.
    3. Write an interview between you and someone else.
    4. Write about the most interesting conversation you’ve ever had (and can remember).
    5. Write a review on the best movie you have ever seen.
    6. Write your own step-by-step process to blog fame.
    7. What is the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen? (e.g. Paris: The Eiffel Tower at Sunset, your well-furnished backyard, etc.)
    8. Write about your life from the eyes of another person.
    9. A Day in Another’s Shoes: Write about what it would be like to live a life in drastically different conditions than yours. (e.g. In poverty, in great wealth, as royalty, as a news broadcaster, etc.)
    10. Write a brief poem (a minimum of 100 words – afterall, this is WordPress) about your day today.
    11. The Best Thing I Ever Ate… Just like the TV show, describe the best thing you’ve ever eaten. Don’t forget to include all the mouth-watering details, and having your readers come back for seconds!

    12. Write about one of your biggest social blunders, the likes of which you tend to share, or be reminded of, among friends and family.
    13. Write a Q&A on a subject you specialize in.
    14. What woulld your dream life look like?
    15. What would world peace look like?
    16. Write about an important figure in history who has drastically changed the way you personally live – for the better.
    17. Share your favorite food or drink recipe with your readers – whether you have made it yourself, or at the expense of another.
    18. Envision what your life will look like 5 years from now. Any drastic changes? Big achievements? Notable actions?
    +10 years
    +20 years
    +30 years
    19. If you were the President/Leader/King, what would you do?
    20. If you had a talk show on TV, what would you do? Who would you invite?

    21. If you could purchase anything (donations included as a “purchase”), all funds provided at no catch or condition, what would it be?
    22. If you could visit any country in the world, expenses aside, where would it be?
    23. If you owned a massive, multi-billion dollar frachise, what would be the company’s primary focus?
    24. Write your favorite quote and what it means to you.
    25. Blog about something (or a subject) you’ve NEVER blogged about before
    26. If you could have anyone view your blog, who would it be? (e.g. Your favorite teacher, Harry Potter, Leonardo DiCaprio, etc.)

    Here’s some more [topics that “specialize in the ridiculous”] a friend and I thought up:
    27. If you could pilot any vehicle, what would it be? (Gundams and Death Star included)
    28. Did you read about a character that met a tragic end, much to your distaste? How would change the storyline if you were the writer?
    29. If you could have any EPIC super power, what would it be?
    30. Which two beings would create the most epic duel-to-the-death scenario?
    31. What kind of office supply would you be, and why? (e.g. “I’d be like a rubber band because you can only stretch me so far before I snap, a blank paper waiting for ideas, etc.)

    32. If your life was a play/movie, which actors would you choose to play the main characters?

    33. If you could go back in time and redo any moment in your life, which moment would that be, and why?

    34. What is your opinion regarding the End of the World? Is it all just superstition, or does some of the hysteria ring true?

    35. If you could develop a video game, what would it be about? And through which company would you work?

    36. What is your dream job? Have you achieved it?

    37. What is the WORST thing you’ve ever eaten? Or alternatively, what would you never eat? [e.g. raw snail]

    38. If you could start your own country, what would it be called?

    + What would its infrastructure (economic basis) be based upon?
    + How would you “fuel” your nation? Would you go Eco-Friendly, or the way of Oil?


    1. Note that the tiny paragraph at the top of my previous comment,
      “Well, I certainly won’t be having a problem with Writer’s Block anytime soon, not with all the topics by DailyPost, and the surplus of topics I developed with a friend of mine.

      Here’s some prompts you might spot popping up sometime when there’s no reviews or our other typical topics (feel free to use some for your blog!):”

      Was originally on the post where I came up with those topics. Forgot to deleted it!

      Here’s some more I came up with!
      39. If you could spend the day with any fictional character (from movies, books, video games, etc.) who or what would it be and what would you do?
      40. If you could visit any fictional realm (e.g. The world of Narnia), which would it be and why?
      41. Pick a world event and blog about it. +How does it concern you?What events led up to this? What may the future hold?


    2. Oh, I like the hobbies idea, for those who do not normally blog about their hobby already.
      Also the favorite quotes. Great idea!

      For movies, though, how about making it OLD movies? As in black and white movies, or silents?
