Four fantastic posts to inspire you

Would You Rather Be Productive Or Creative? by Caitlin at Broadside:

We all need time to think, reflect, ponder, meander, take some detours, some of which — being immediately unproductive — lead into dead ends, some of which lead us off into totally new and hugely profitable (financially or creatively) directions. Shutting down the production line for a while — silence! solitude! no immediate income! I’m wasting time! — can feel terrifying.

The worst thing I’ve ever written didn’t kill me by Kat at Reader, I created him:

Get other people to read over what you’ve written. Do not be precious about what you write, unless it’s your own private diary that no one will ever read. No matter how much writing experience you have, there will be times when your words don’t convey what you actually mean. If we always expressed ourselves perfectly, editors wouldn’t exist.

How I didn’t make it big….And you could too! from Damian Trasler’s Secret Blog – Do Not Read!:

We all start to write because we have the story there, the characters marching around inside our heads, making us laugh, or cry or forget to put the dinner on. But what we’re all hoping for, our guilty secret, is that this is the story that will be THE BIG ONE.

Days 2 & 3 of National Poetry Month by C at A Well-Versed Mom:

As you may or may not know, it’s National Poetry Month. And for those of you who may consider poetry an inaccessible or overly “intellectual” pursuit, please reconsider. After all, there’s poetry everywhere in our lives – from the songs we enjoy on the radio to the Dr. Seuss books we read to our kids to the dialogue we hear spoken on tv and in movies.

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  1. Thanks so much for including my post! The WordPress community has amazed and inspired me so much through postaday and postaweek.


  2. Brilliant, simply brilliant.

    All very true and valid points, you cannot grow without feedback – writing is not all intellectual, and royally spoken, it is the medium in which thoughts may be expressed in a variety of colorful forms – and I can certainly relate to “How I didn’t make it Big!”


  3. How nice to find myself in such wonderful company.

    Being featured as a potential inspiration to others has certainly cemented my commitment to my writing. Thank you for including me, and congrats to the other writers. And to everyone else – just keep at it. I know I will.


    a.k.a. The Well-Versed Mom


  4. obrigado, pelos comentários, você é bem atualizada e seus textos são
    refletidos de forma muito objetivos , que nós refletiu sua luz, na nossa conciência , e ,na alma dos nossos amigos, e amigas “Escritores”,

    Estamos todos felizes por você; seus comentários nós surpreendeu ,os
    próprios revelam sua identidade , você é muito capaz perante suas teses,
    muito bem relacionadas com os termos na atualidade.

    Quando você se vai, e deixa para traz estas escritas reveladoras, eu me pergunto a mim mesmo , o porque da minha permanência aqui ? se uma parte de nós , se foi , deixando nós entender que teremos que abandonar
    o que mais amamos na vida, a”Escrita” eu tenho que encoraja-la a permanecer em seu anbiênte , você tem forte domínio sobre ele…

    Sim. nós estamos sendo abatidos de forma cruel, seus pensamentos , revelados para o mundo condiz a realidade , escritas verídicas muito bem
    colocadas no entendimento no âmbito da literatura mundial , e denotado
    na rede mundial …

    Permaneça comigo por algum tempo… ainda é cedo para você ir,
    nós não queremos outro anbiênte , aqui no WP. Você tem papeis muito
    importantes para termino , seus trabalhos fundamentados e bem sucedidos
    me leva a crer que você tem um Deus em sua vida …

    deposite sua confiança nele e tudo ele fará …

    Se há, pois, Alguma Exortação em Cristo, alguma
    Consolação de Amor, Alguma comunhão do Espírito
    Se há Entranhados afetos e Misericórdia,
    Completai a minha alegria de modo que
    Penseis a mesma coisa, tenhas o mesmo Amor
    Sejais unidos de Alma, tendo o mesmo Sentimento.

    Fp 2. 1,2


  5. It’s not so much needing The Big One, as it is just having a voice. Each of us has something to say but not always an audience. Especially moms whose kids are now in the cave dweller years. Hang in there moms, it gets better.


  6. Eu prefiro ser produtiva e criativa, eu escolheria um belo navio para matar a minha vontade de viajar numa boa, morar fora do Brasil, viajar pelo Mundo todo, visitar um parque super lindo!!
    As minhas escolhas são bem modestas!!
    Abraços a todos!!


  7. Interesting mix of inspirations – I went with A Well-Versed Mom, although it isn’t Poetry Month over here on the aircraft carrier 😉 Her poetry reminded me to dig out one of my own and also to perhaps write more…we’ll see!


  8. Thanks to this little inspiring vehicle, I got to know a little bit about Damian Trasler. Mahalo!!!
