What is the best gift you’ve ever received?

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  1. A trip to The Bahamas (from my parents) for my 3oth milestone birthday! 🙂

    I truly appreciate all gifts no matter how inexpensive, ugly, etc. but once I received a tunic top that was too small for me , so I just donated it the the Salvation Army clothes drive.


  2. In a temporal sense, it’s quite difficult to simply pick one gift out as the best. My grandparents take their grandchildren, one-by-one or two-by-two, to various countries around the world. They took me to Ireland when I was around eleven or twelve, and then had me accompany them (paid for by a very generous distant relative) with one of my cousins to France, at the time I spoke a fair amount of the language, and they had hoped I could be somewhat of a translator! Two of the best gifts I’ve ever received.

    In an eternal sense, the best gift ever given was that of Jesus Christ – and the ultimate sacrifice he gave with His life.


  3. the best gift of me i’am the one care to my father and mother untill thy die,i give them my full love,asnd the”GOD”become my best FRIEND and ”CAREGIVER OF ME now”that i become a ”healer of the sick.


  4. A little whisper in my ear that told me to zig when my first instinct was to zag. You may or may not believe in angels. But I’m alive today because of that tiny voice from nowhere. I’m betting that the same is true for some of you, even if you’re not aware of it.


  5. For my last birthday a woman I had only just met shared a few secrets with me instead of a physical gift. She said she thought this kind of gift seemed like something I would want. I didn’t know until it happened that it was exactly what I wanted. Quite simply change my life forever. Why so mysterious? Well, I’m not going to share someone else’s secret. 😉


  6. All of my surprise gifts 😀 ranging from party, movie star poster, cassette tape (way back when CD is not yet hot & available as it is now), cakes, ice cream, gadget, scrapbook, bookmark, wristwatch, etc.

    Point is – The best part is the point when someone exerted effort to give those to me, I just felt LOVED & IMPORTANT ♥


  7. There are so many great gifts that one receives during a life time but tese are all material gifts.I think that there are four main ‘good’ gifts in my life firstly the gifts of my three daughters who are not only very beautiful(take after Mother) but they were perfect in every way, and 53 years later they still are. Now I have my grandchildren and great grandchildren as well. Those are gifts to be thankful for. Also my Faith is another gift, but this time from God. Without that I would not be living my life as I do. My Faith means everything to me.
    As for bad gifts, well that is a bit harder as I think that any gift given with sincerity and love must be good and I cannot think of anything that I have received that I ever wanted to get rid of. I may not have ever made use of them but I really cannot recall disposing of them


  8. I hate re-gifting and I have an opinion on the best gift ever. Find out what they are by reading my short blog… Hope you enjoy it.


  9. Frustrated, not able to post. No send or save shows up on my posts when I write them. The happiness people are away until October. Anyone else having this problem or have a been black balled for being a GOW–grumby old lady?


  10. My frustrations and learning disability showing. Corrections ….have I been black-balled for being a GOW–grumpy old woman. Keep smiling, it doesn’t hurt and sometimes it helps.


  11. Now I just got a must subscribe message and I have been subscribed and posting daily. Gremlims? Someone or something out there doesn’t want to hear from me. Crying tears of frustration, but smiling anyway.


  12. I wrote one topic covering The scripted dream, Recovering lost trust, Best music act and The best gift ever. It all happened in a dream, where someone with the initials WP gave me the best gift ever: a gold ticket that let me visit any concert, no matter when and where. I went to Woodstock. When I returned, all the missing posts were written for me, only I couldn’t remember them. I do remember Joe Cocker at Woodstock. He sang With a Little Help from My Friends. I taped it for you.
