What’s the most trouble you’ve ever been in?

Topic #48

Here’s today’s topic, brought to you by Plinky.com:

What’s the most trouble you’ve ever been in?

Bonus: Tell the story of how you got into trouble, and how you got out.

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  1. Scott: I’d like to conduct an interview with you. I’ve always been sort of curious about you. And there’s one answer you gave, which really made me like your style.


  2. The worse trouble I have gotten in is when I fell and hurt myself on the job. The district decided they wanted to get rid of me and couldn’t use that reason so they change two of my Individual Education Plans. I was crushed. I cried so hard and even to this day can’t believe that it happened. (It happened over 2 years ago.) That is why I am trying to build my home business. Everyone has told me when God closes one door he opens another. I hope that happens soon.


  3. I just started reading this blog today, I want to participate, but I have to plead the 5th on this question. Next time….


  4. My story happened today and I am still in shock. Could have been a career defining moment. But I got away with it. Very relieved.

    Apart from today – my two “most trouble” incidents were when I was 8 and lied to my mum and went out alone … and when I was 19 and my mum thought I’d stolen her car – but I thought she said I could have it…


  5. Eu venho tendo muitas dificuldades, nem sei como estou viva, por tudo cair nas minhas costas, em 2004, o meu marido fez a terceira cirurgia cardiáca e quaze se foi, em 2005, a minha filha mais velha teve uma doença muito grave, e nesse interim a minha filha mais nova teve uma doença grave auditiva. Foi operada 3 vezes e perdeu a audição de um ouvido. Eu quaze enloqueci, foram anos de doenças, que não desejo para qualquer pessoa.
    Depois de tudo isso mudei completamente, hoje sou mais triste e perdi o medo de muitas coisas. A vida é dura para todos.
    Abraços Mina!


  6. Having been quite a goody two-shoes, I’ve never been in trouble for something too serious. When I was much younger I recall my big brother teaching me that I shouldn’t ask for sweets, and rather grab them and eat them whenever I want – that… is a philosophy which ends in an upset stomach.


  7. Whatever trouble we have seen till now, is nothing when compared to the ones that we are going to see… But only when we see bigger troubles, we start to handle them and learn from them… But there is one consolation though: God always gives us only that much of trouble that we can handle!

    Destination Infinity


  8. Sorry to everyone for my enfirced absence. I am now allowed to come back! I couldn’t be “half here”, reading and not able to post publicly myself, so please forgive me, it was legal advice. The most trouble I have ever been in? I think that my whole blog sume THAT up! http://teamoyeniyi.wordpress.com/ but now we are forging ahead to happier times!
