What part of life confuses you the most?

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  1. LOVE. Love confuses me the most. Sometimes it’s all benevolent and nice, but other times it’s a whole bunch of hormonally-induced madness and obsession. And that’s just my family! You ought to see how I am with my husband.


  2. The part that comfuses me the most is why are we letting foreigners dictate to us in our own company. Everyone should learn our language-English and speak only that if they want to live in America. I shouldn’t have to push 1 for english 2 for spanish. There shouldn’t have to be two types of languages on everything that we buy. Also make everyone do something to receive help.


    1. I feel the same way in London. When we go to Wherever, we have to cover our shoulders / whatever because THEY do that.

      so why, when THEY all come to London, can’t THEY do as we do. Which is expose our faces, at least! The English are a face to face, loving eye contact nation. We don’t even like talking to people wearing sunglasses!

      there, I feel better already. thanks, jc


  3. Totally agree with you Arlene! I’m amongst the growing number of people who are continuosuly baffled by the changes to the country and how the gap between various ethnic communities is widening. I’m all for variety but not at the expense of having free loaders think they can just show up and get a nice house and money thrown at them!

    On the subject of language I am sick of speaking to someone in a call centre who’s grasp of the English language is beyond a joke. Not only does their accent make conversation incredibly difficult but unless you speak very VERY clearly, almost robotic, they do not understand you at all. BT is a prime example of this! Yeah, yeah, everyone is entitled to a job regardless of where in the world that is, but that doesn’t mean I have to listen to someone struggling to speak my language!

    What confuses me the least is the weather. I love it. Seems the English have a reputation for disliking the weather. It’s raining outside, thick chunky drops of water, looks amazing! Rain, wind, snow, fog, sun – bring it on!


  4. What confuses me is how people STILL answer the comments!
    Y’all just missing an opportunity to write a blog post!!
    Scott, add the ‘that’d be stupid’ comment to your posts again I think?


  5. Olá Pessoal, li o que escreveram, fiquei surpresa, o que custa ajudar quem não entende inglês? Eu não entendo, mas quando viajei, me virava e sempre obtive ajuda. Aqui no Brasil os estrangeiros são bem recebidos e todos se esforçam em entender.
    O que me confunde e muito são os filhos de hoje, que são diferentes em tudo da minha geração.
    O difícil é encontrar o que confunde menos.Não sei o que seria.
    Abraços Mina!


  6. Golly – that’s encouraging deep thinking.
    No time for that.
    confusing: knowing whether to fit in as many things as I can/want – or be easy going and doing whatever !

    easy: knowing who I love, what I like and what I want.


  7. Although I’d already posted earlier today, I had to post for this one too. It made me laugh… I mean, what part of life doesn’t confuse these days??? My answer was rain. I am not confused by rain. That’s about it.


  8. Ah life. Such a wide topic range – it could be easily split into many different individual subtopics. Thanks for another great topic! I really must start to write some of these.


  9. Family dynamics confuses me most. I have always felt both in family and social settings that I am watching all from the outside instead of participating. I think it is by unconscious choice. I watch ppl fascinated by how they react to any type situations yet even after decades I still do not feel comfortable being the one in the spotlight. I see families on television, at the malls, at school functions and for the most part, they all seem able to work the family dynamics. My growing up years were in a very dysfunctional family. Looking back, my mom was in severe depression off and on for many years. She was in a marriage to a man she did not love but he took care of her and us financially..and she did not want to work full time.
    I now try to look at her life in her shoes and I cry in my soul for everything she missed out on. I loved my dad but also know he was just as miserable as she was. They married far too young and two strong wills collided every single day of my life. Growing up I thought that was normal but alas..it wasn’t. My husband grew up in a home of divorce with 7 kids..6 of them boys. He also did not want a house of screaming. I am saddened at the young girl in my moms heart that never got anything that she desired in life. I can only hope somewhere somehow soon she will get some bit of joy.


  10. How do we balance who we want to be with who everyone else wants us to be? Does the cost of doing our own thing and being distinctively individual always involve loneliness and isolation? Maybe it’s easier to just thow in the towel and go with the herd…


  11. Terms & Conditions, what are they all about? They confuse me…

    Please read my blog and let me know if these things are any clearer to you than they are to me…


  12. Being bipolar confuses me because I am not able to tell what is “normal” and what is not. For example – if I get really angry about something – is that an over reaction because I’m bipolar? Or is it a “normal” angry the way other people would get angry?

    When I’m in a good mood and loving life – am I manic or just extremely happy.

    It really confuses me….


  13. The direction of the human spieces. It seems that every year we as humans are going faster; in our cars, the way we conduct business, always wanting (needing?) to be first, eating faster, etc. Wherever we are going we sure are in a tremondous hurry to get…….


  14. I would say being in college now, it made everything confusing from relationships to religion. So I would say early adulthood confuses me most.


  15. Inconsiderate people confuses me the most. Ever had adults walk right in front of you while in line or sneeze without covering their mouths? There are a multitude of other surprising things people do or say that I just shake my head at. How in the whole will we ever teach our next generation good manners?
