Challenge: Conduct an interview for your blog

Here’s yet another way to participate in Post a Day/Post a Week: Bust out your journalism skills and try your hand at interviewing! There are a ton of opportunities out there, so we’ll help you to narrow it down.

Interview a Post a Day/Post a Week participant whose main blog topic is similar to yours.

To find an interviewee, check out the postaday2011 and postaweek2011 tag pages, or browse around the blogging buddy listings. When you find a good candidate, get in touch using their blog contact form, or leave them a comment explaining why you admire their work and are interested in interviewing them.

The interview questions are up to you. Maybe you’re curious about what inspires them, and why they started the challenge. Or maybe you want to ask about what strategies they use to overcome writer’s block. Here are 21 blog interview questions if you need more ideas.

Don’t like the prompt? Do your own thing! You may prefer to conduct a face-to-face interview instead, perhaps with a personal friend or family member.

Not convinced? Here are 10 Reasons to do Blog Interviews.

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  1. Gostei da idéia, mas não sei como fazer, prefiria que alguém me entrevistasse, ai ficaria mais fácil, é um desafio enorme estou pronta para ser entrevistada, depois terei que fazer o mesmo.
    Abraços a todos!


  2. what about holidays? people are bound to want Time Out from any form of electronic communication. Surely people aren’t going to set up 2 or 3 weeks of blogs ready to go off on their own? i wouldn’t have a clue how to do that and not sure there would be a point?
    just a bit puzzled about this?


  3. This sounds like a good idea. I would definitely put it on my “to do list”. All I would need is someone to interview and some decent questions!
