Share one thing that you learned

Topic #46

Here’s today’s topic, brought to you by

Share one thing that you learned recently.

Bonus: Share one thing you wish you learned recently (Ninja skills, teleportation, etc.).

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  1. I’m doing this daily on The Metablog Blog. In response to other bloggers’ comments here on the the Daily Post, I’ve set up this new blog to discuss what I’ve learned about blogging and promoting my blog (in a non-scammy, non-scummy, non-spammy way), and I’d love input from other bloggers.


  2. that not all women like Valentine Day slush…… but I’m sure they would all enjoy something original to show you love them!


  3. I’ve been reading To Kill A Mocking Bird after many years of people telling me it’s a classic and anyone who considers themselves well read HAD to read it. I’ve learned that whilst it may indeed be a classic it is not what I expected. It’s good but it’s no Captain Corelli’s Mandolin!

    I wish I had the ability (or super power) to reach into the TV screen and give the people in TV land a heads up: look out behind you there’s a guy with an axe kind of thing. Or maybe just tap them on the shoulder to give them a fright!


  4. I will write my post later, I am sick so the one thing I learned is the rest and water is the number one thing to getting well. I pray to feel better soon.


  5. I learned that once we push past our fear of failure, the universe rallies to send us people who will support our dreams. 🙂
    ✿♡✿Happy Valentine’s Day!✿♡✿
    I’m also sharing the Blog Hop below… Another lesson learned – connect with your community in new ways! 🙂
    All are Invited! I have another Mega Blog Hop going this week – 2 actually; one for a favorite post and one for your Facebook fan page and Networked Blog ! 🙂
    Stop by and add your posts/pages and make some new friends!
    Thank you,
    Mirth and Motivation


  6. One thing I’ve learned:

    Happiness (and unhappiness) is never in things, places, events, holidays, food, possessions, people . . . it is in us.

    Or it isn’t.

    Quote: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt.

    All We Need is LOVE . . .

    Happy Valentine’s Day!


  7. I learn something new everyday from someone. A teacher definitely learns something new everyday from her students. Now that I am not teaching, I learned from teachers, and other friends and family on e-mail and facebook. We should all learn something new everyday. It keeps our minds active.


  8. Olá Pessoal, li o que vocês esvreveram gostei, desejo melhoras para a moça que está doente, lindo o que cada um escreveu, vocês não tem idéia como foi difícil para mim, aprender a lidar com o PC, blogar, e me comunicar. O que eu posso dizer é que temos que ter força de vontade para aprender, insistir muito. Pois a cada dia aprendemos algo de novo, chegando a conclusão que ainda temos muito a a prender e porque não a ensinar também a quem precisar, eu estou as ordens, por ter mais idade que vocês.
    Beijos a todos!!!!


  9. i learned (or at least was reminded) to trust myself, to have faith in my abilities. trust is a powerful word – repeating it several times this morning got me through a really tough run. i also learned on valentine’s day how therapeutic writing can be – had fun with this one!

    man, i wish i had learned how to stop time like Evie in “out of this world.” old school, i know…


  10. yo he aprendido dos cosas muy interesantes, la primera es hablar en lenguaje de señas y la segunda bailar salsa, dos cosas que siempre quise aprender y que considero muy importantes. Verán el lenguaje de señas es un leguaje universal y hay demasiadas personas en el munod con las que no podemos comunicarnos porque no aprendemos un lenguaje que tenemos relegado como para incapacitados. El baile es algo muy importante, principalmente sirve para personas como yo que necesitamos hacer ejercicio despuès de 8, 9 ó 10 horas de trabajo continuo.
