Lessons from 29 posts in 29 days

Over on Jeff Hester’s blog, he has some good observations from his experiences so far with Post a Day. As we’ve talked about before, he uses draft posts to collect ideas, giving him some buffer for days where he’s less motivated:

  1. Planning is essential, as I noted in post #17/365. I’m using the draft status to collect ideas and thoughts on articles I want to write, or to align publication with related events. I collect my thoughts over days and weeks, and this has greatly simplified the process of sitting down to actually write the finished article.
  2. Brainstorming helps, too! I tap into resources from Facebook and Twitter. I gain a lot of ideas from scanning my feeds on Flipboard or reading sites like The Daily Post which share topics and ideas for writing.

Read the rest of his post here.

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  1. Sounds like we have some common ground there. Gathering ideas in your drafts is a truly worthwhile endeavor, as it proves to be a vital asset when your creative ideas are running low. Although I don’t use Facebook or Twitter for collecting ideas, I certainly keep my eyes open. I’ll check out message boards, Google Buzz, and even the previews at movie theaters! There’s so many sources for a plethora of good posts.

    Thanks for sharing this inspiration!
    -Adventure Writer


  2. Great introspection here. Thanks for the thoughts on the project. As someone who typically has quite a problem writing regularly, I’ve been challenging myself to write. I’m going to start building up a buffer of draft posts.


  3. Olá Pessoal, eu me esforço para escrever aqui sempre, mas tem coisas que não entendo, por exemplo acabei de ver do lado direito, você já mentiu a sua idade? Eu nunca menti, vivo escrevendo que tenho 69 anos, o que é muito.
    Inteligente, claro quem não quer ser? Eu sim.
    A minha palavra favorita, eu no momento não sei, mas costumo agradecer a todos por tudo, e ser educada.
    O resto acho que já foi respondido. Eu acredito que aqui tenho tido bastante ajuda, gosto de participar dos tópicos, arrumei uma amiga que se chama Gildita, quero mais amigos.
    E o meu agradecimento a todos vocês que a cada dia nos incentivam um pouco mais.
    Beijos a todos Mina!!!


  4. Thanks for providing these observations about how to used WordPress. I can use the concept of saving drafts now: such a good idea. Thanks!! I’ll pass that on to my friends who are also trying to develop strategies for successful blogging.


  5. Wow! Thanks for the mention, Scott! I really appreciate all the comments everyone has left on my blog. I’ll make a point to reply and check out yours as well.


  6. I do the ‘gathering of ideas/blog topics’ in my draft folder, or on the cell phone if I’m out. Works great for me.

    I have a question … or thought, regarding this Daily Post: How about these of us, taking part in this, that have self-hosted wordpress.ORG, when we choose NOT to write about the suggested topic?!

    There must be many people, like myself, who save those topics ‘for a rainy day’… I tag all my posts «postaday2011», but that doesn’t really matter since it’s a wp.org blog … links won’t appear.

    Where do we post the links? Would it be possible for WP to put in something for them?

    my post this morning


  7. that could be a way to do it, I am using public transport quite a bit, so rather sit and play angry birds, I should adopt this method too 🙂 awesome…




  8. ✿♡✿Happy Valentine’s Day!✿♡✿
    Just wanted to stop by and share the Blog Hop below… Another lesson learned – connect with your community in new ways! 🙂
    All are Invited! I have another Mega Blog Hop going this week – 2 actually; one for a favorite post and one for your Facebook fan page and Networked Blog ! 🙂
    Stop by and add your posts/pages and make some new friends!
    Thank you,
    Mirth and Motivation
