Topic: Who is your greatest hero?

Topic #34

Here’s today’s topic, brought to you by

Who is your greatest hero of all time?

Bonuses: 1) Who is your greatest villain of all time? 2) Who could play your evil-twin in the made for TV version of your life?

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  1. Albert Einstein – With his relativity theory, he not only changed the scientific school of thought, but unknowingly challenged the philosophical school of thought as well…

    Destination Infinity


  2. I occasionally do pro bono graphic design work for charities. Last year I met an attorney who had given up a lucrative corporate practice to devote the remainder of his life to helping the homeless litigate for their rights in court. He was terminally ill with cancer and was determined to give something back to the world. He has since died but will always be remembered as a hero not just by me but by all those he inspired.

    As for villains, I’d have to say George W. Bush. He and his lackeys did more damage to the US than can be comprehended. A truly despicable person.

    My evil twin would be played by the great character actor, Christopher Walken


  3. My grandmother. Educated in a wealthy family, as a trained pianist and singer, she became a refugee and learned to survive with six children in extremely modest conditions without losing charme nor taste for living and welcoming people. I remember her in her late years, going with me to a confectionery, having hot chocolate and “Petit Four”, french pastry. Small but real joys of life!


  4. enjoy!


    Once when you were young you went to school

    Your good parents thought you were not a fool

    From Kindergarten to Harvard maybe

    Without a scar entering life‘s society

    Empty pockets never held anyone back.

    Only empty heads will take up the slack

    Speak from the heart people will listen

    A loving heart will in wisdom glisten

    Blessed hearts bend never break always be fit

    But if you can’t put your heart in it get out of it

    A woman’s head is always influenced by her heart

    But a man’s heart is always influenced by his head

    Follow your inner heart it helps then the world moves in

    And be true to yourself your bosom would be without sin

    Knock and ask your heart what it doth know

    It’ll beat in the rhythm in music not for show

    How much the heart can really hold no one knows

    For at any age it has no wrinkles and it never shows

    The way to God is through a human heart for a start

    For all music is important if it comes from the heart

    Remember how happy you were meek and mild

    ‘cause your heart was pure and simple as a child

    Why is peace, grace and contentment come to some

    If you’ve inner awareness a grateful heart will come

    Look at every path closely and deliberately.

    Try it as many times as you think necessary

    Ask yourself, this question and yourself alone

    “Does this path have a heart or a good tone?”

    If it does, then the path is good.

    If it doesn’t, it’s like rotten wood

    They teach how to get results in your exams

    Some are honest but some resort to scams

    Even the good teachers don’t teach you life sense

    Especially if you don’t show any common sense

    You are left with nice rainbows in your head

    As you watch the boob tube until you’re red

    They put the cart before the donkey

    And throw you in a murky society

    But whenever or before you ever depart

    They should’ve tried to educate your heart




  5. I think I would like to nominate three women as heroes – Niny – my great grandmother had a horrible life living in a two up and two down house, which backed onto the railway shunting area so there was always the taste of smoke from trains.

    Her husband was nasty. When a bad mood he would throw his food against the wall. He would tap his spoon against the cup and expect her to drop everything and give him another cup of tea. She brought up my father.

    He was also always cheerful and worked hard washing clothes in an old boiler and drying them with a mechanical mangle. She supported her neighbours and always have a good word to say to children.

    Another hero is my wife’s aunt Pat, who between the wars was a teacher in the poorest part of the East End of London. She used to teach classes of over 60 and used to help families who will often living 10 or more to a two-bedroom house. She remembered the time of the cable Street riots where fascists beat up men, women and children. Her later life but devoted to running adult education courses.

    My last hero is my older daughter, Caroline, who has a handicapped child of 14, who has a mental age of just over one year. He cannot talk, has difficulty
    walking and has an attention span of less than one minute.

    Despite this she has gained a university degree, helped start a magazine, now works as a freelance editor and is a life coach. I do not know where she gets the energy to keep going. She manages to keep on even when her son almost died over the Christmas period.

    In fiction I like the historical heroes Sharpe and Hornblower, both fought in the war against Napoleon.

    For villains I tend to despise politicians who seem to be in the business only all themselves. There seems to be more of them about these days.


    1. Ah, the double post error. Now this is why it’s somewhatdifficult to post via DSi. You must have a fair amount of patience – and reload the page twice to check if it posted your comment (though luckily it will show automatically – unlike today).

      Now, as I’ve gone utterly off-topic, I must track back to the original subject at hand. It can be difficult to find a hero at times – for maybe your hero is someone you’ve never thought of as such. A person whom you have looked up to, and set as a moral standard of how you want to be. Perhaps on my blog, I’ll discuss what infact is a hero, as it fits my “theme” a bit more.

      I apologize for the double post – although this may not be a forum, I do not like making one comment after another as it takes on the form of spam.


  6. Nice creative topics – the bonus allows for some comedic devices, while the primary prompts may be more in the spectrum of seriousness.
    Another great question! Now if I could only figurre out how to answer it on my blog…


  7. Olá Pessoal, o meu maior herói é o meu marido que já passou por 3 cirurgias cardíacas, com a maior coragem nas 3, eu sinceramente não teria a coragem dele, a primeira foi aos 45 anos, aos 60 anos ,foi a segunda, e a terceira foi em 2004, aos 75 anos, sendo que os médicos falaram que ele não sobreveveria. Pois estava em estado grave, mas ele mesmo fala que está vivo de teimoso, hoje está com 82 anos. Na época os médicos me falaram que só 2% da população mundial sobrevive na terceira cirurgia.
    Foi depois da segunda cirurgia que me dediquei a aprender tudo sobre alimentação para cardíacos, e dai não parei mais surgindo o meu primeiro livro. Aprendi muito, com todo esse drama que vivemos até hoje. E não tem sido fácil. O meu marido se cuida muito com alimentação e hábitos saudáveis, se não fosse assim não estaria vivo, é claro que a saúde dele não é perfeita, mas por tudo que ele passou, felizmente está vivo isso é o que importa.
    Abraços a todos


  8. My biggest hero was one of my mentors. He was very patient with me when no one else listened he did, he also taught me I was very good at what I did.
    That in turn gave me the confidence through out my Life.


  9. I have 2 greatest heroes, my husband and my daughter. They have helped me to see that life is great and worth living, despite childhood deprivations and disappointments. Because of their unconditional love, I’ve found self-worth, and purpose, and endless opportunities to bring joy into my life.

    Life’s greatest villain is whomever, or whatever, keeps us from living our best lives.

    hugs for the topic, reminds us to pause and consider…and be grateful…hugmamma.


  10. If God ever put a saint on this earth it was my mother-in-law. She quit school in 10th grade to help her mother support her brothers and sisters. Mildred wasn’t educated, but had more common sense than any person I have ever known.

    My husband is an only child—Mom treated me like the daughter she never had.


  11. Being an actress myself – Sandra Bullock, hands down.

    Bullock overcame Hollywood “stereotypes” and prejudice around 1990 – after disputes with agents and producers that she wasn’t “star material”; her less-than-average looks (back then.) In spite several box office and Indie film roles, she was constantly bartered about lacking Leading-Lady beauty – that she would (sadly) be limited to Character roles and/or Supporting only (for the rest of her “career”). But Bullock overcame all that prejudice by becoming an Inspiration, surprising Hollywood AND movie fans that she WAS “star material”. Her ground-breaking role in “SPEED”.

    Since that time, Bullock’s boldness in dumping idiotic Hollywood stereotypes has been nationally acclaimed.
