Topic: If stranded on a desert island…

Topic #28

Here’s today’s topic, brought to you by

If stranded on a desert island, and could only bring one music album with you, which would it be? What is it about this music that never gets old for you?

Reminder: Do not answer this in the comments. That would be very silly. You should grab this topic and write a post about it on your blog.

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    1. Don’t you know? All islands used for stranding come with a record and a CD player. No mp3 player though.


  1. The Beatles “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.”

    I’m 72 and while I prefer some cool jazz this recording by the Breatles has some of the greatest meaningful songs ever written.


  2. This topic is kinda pathetic. I will let it slide though since the last several topics have been quite stellar. LOL. My favorite topic yet was the one about laughter.


    1. I think you should talk to Aleetha. She seemed to really like this

      And btw: we’re always open to suggestions. It’s not as easy coming up with these as you think.


      1. Oh, it’s not personal, it’s an opinion about the topic itself, not any person. Someone I don’t know liking the topic doesn’t change my view of it. Also, nowhere did I state thinking of topics was easy or difficult. Disliking a topic doesn’t equate to the presumption that thinking of them must be easy.

        Again, some have been stellar, some not so much…just an opinion. Just as the person you speak of think it’s grand, I don’t. I do now realize that unless I do think it is grand, perhaps I shouldn’t post an opinion on it here though…my bad.

        As far as providing suggestions, I don’t think the stuff I’d suggest would be things people want to blog about. Most of it are things people spend a great deal of time and money trying to ignore, at least in the US. But your point is taken—seeing that it is not various WP staff members choosing topics but more like your personal work, makes my opinion more “personal” so my bad if it bothered you. 🙂


    2. You can always be creative and take a different slant on a topic so you make it your own. Don’t think there are any rules to say you can’t…imagine on a desert island there are no politics, riots or house music. I was not sure myself how I could utilise PAD topics initially on my blog but now I have loads of ideas brewing and a whole host of ideas. We just need to look outside the box 🙂


      1. Plus, it’s not like there’s any rule that everyone HAS to blog about any of these topics. This are suggestions, not commandments. Going on a rant about how “pathetic” any of these topics are is, in my opinion, pretty pathetic itself.


      2. Again, as I wrote above I thought some topics were stellar and some not so much. I really loved the one on laughter…I find laughter to be life energy. Very true Piglet in Portugal, slants can be taken on some topics to expand them into something more meaningful, great idea.

        My comment was not a rant J.R. and many people have commented on the topics prior, even to the point that one post was made to ask people to suggest topics. I am not sure how my view is a rant but the other similar views are acceptable. Actual, I am sure how but that’s another conversation for another day.


  3. Finally this question is up.
    I never get bored to answer it with same words. XD
    Unfortunately, my blog brought some thing different for #postaday challenge.
    I wish I could answer it here.LOL


  4. I love this topic but posted something else, come check it out and make a “like” or comment on it. Thank you kindly.


  5. I really look forward to this one, once I get there. I will, after I finish Laugh, Truth, Friend, Favorite sound, Perfect Sunday, Funny people and Desert island.

    I’m so behind because of other deadlines hanging over my head. I just finished the “Putting off” post.


  6. I guess I would look for water first..and then perhaps the genie..I believe Aladdin found one in a desert..Genie guy might get me home eventually


  7. Who carries only one music album with them? It’s the age of the iPods people. 😛

    Nice prompt though, I’ll be writing about my iPod and my favourite albums in it soon!
