Topic: what’s the single most important thing…

Topic #21

Here’s today’s topic idea, brought to you by

What’s the single most important thing you accomplished in 2010? And how do you plan to top it in 2011 (perhaps by completing your blogging challenge!)

Reminder: Do not answer this in the comments. That would be very silly. You should grab this topic and write a post about it on your blog.

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  1. I haven’t taken advantage of your generous daily ‘post ideas’, but I do really appreciate that they are out there to fall back on–so I wanted to say “Thank you; I love WordPress (I’m a newbie user!), and I think what you’re doing here is really neat!”

    I did write a post the other day using your topic of “Bravery”, and today’s topic really REALLY appeals to me…but I’ve already posted once this morning, and have 2 more queued up for later today!

    Thanks again,
    Jason Barron


  2. What’s the difference between the single most important thing accomplished and biggest accomplishment? I don’t know, but I my just have to post pictures of my cat in protest.


  3. While I appreciate the encouragement/inspiration to post I’m finding that my inbox is being inundated with emails from “The Daily Post” I got 4 emails yesterday alone and 3 so far today. It’s made me choose to unsubscribe to the list, which is a shame, but I just can’t take the spam-like quantities of emails from this subscription. One big post a day would be more appealing…


  4. je vais répondre à côté, hors sujet … j’ai rencontré des personnes qui comptent beaucoup et je pense que le fait de Rencontrer, pouvoir entendre comprendre c’est important … voilà


  5. Para mim a coisa mais importante que me aconteceu em 2010, foi ter começado a postar no meu blog: O que adoro, pois ajudo muitas pessoas, e agora em 2011, espero crescer bem no blog: E socorro preciso editar meu livro.
    Abraços Mina!!!


  6. On the blogging challenge, it’s a “Long, long way to Tipperary.”
    My greatest achievement was spiritual growth, and prayer life.
    Religion seems to be pretty well read here. Since I am new here, I’ve not accumulated many friends yet.
    Take care, Charlie from Georgia


  7. I chose laughter as my pick and enjoyed writing my version on it…
    Lately, I’ve been using some of the prompts as guides to my posts. I actually like the idea of creating my own twist and topic out of the assigned topic… When my muse returns, I follow her lead. Otherwise, I kinda like yours too WordPress 😉
    Thank you,
    Mirth and Motivation


  8. Oi Gildotchka, sei que escrevi o seu nome errado, desculpe. Que legalvocê me mandar abraços, obrigada e um abraço bem forte para você!
    De onde você é? Acredito que você sabe que sou brasileira .
    Beijos a todos!


  9. Mina, bom dia, amiga ! jo soy de França, nascida a Tunis. Desculpe, se no puedo favlar em portuguès o em brasileiro … me gusta mucho leer linguas “stranieras” …
    Tu dices : “começado a postar no meu blog” … para mo, es mas “strange” escribir un blog, a me gusta conceer nuevas personas ! Tu has escibido um libre … me gusteria leerlo …
    um fuerte abraço, beijos a todos


  10. Oi Gildotchka, que bacana, você mora na França, como consegue me entender? Eu só falo português, nada mais, que pena não?
    Mas por enquanto estamos nos entendendo, isso é o que importa.
    Receba o meu abraço!


  11. Mina ! podemo, un poquitico entendermos, a vez en espagnol a vez in inglès, a vez uma paraules em portugues … no ès tan dificil …
    a mi m’agrada molt (si, he studiado el català 30 anys fà, años 1980) e el català ès molt vici (neighbour, prossim) al portuguès que el castilla …
    Uma noz feliz (aqui està 22.17, y tengo de allevantarme molt mati mañana, ales 6 … 6.15 …
    iré a dormir presto …
    um abraço i petons
    gilda (ès il meu nom)


  12. I passed my driving test in 2010 and considering I’m 34 now it felt like a massive accomplishment! I had no idea being able to transport myself wherever I wanted could be so fun or so liberating!
