Topic: What’s the most important thing?

Topic #20

Here’s today’s topic idea, with three, count ’em three, options (brought to you by

What’s the most important thing you’re putting off? And why haven’t you done it yet? What do you need to make it happen?

Reminder: Do not answer this in the comments. That would be very silly. You should grab this topic and write a post about it on your blog.

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  1. Ha. Today’s going to be horrendous. Due to a ridiculous notion that I needn’t pay my internet bill, I’m posting from my phone. I SHALL SURVIVE.


  2. I all of a sudden feel very vulnerable… here’s is hoping peopel dont laugh at my face when they see me the next time.


  3. It was joining a Hard Networking group, but I bit the bullet last week and signed up to my local Chamber. Now I will be able to meet & greet, spread the word and see people outside this Big Green Box I call my computer… See it wasn’t so Bad, and I can pick and choose which events and meetings I want to go to. I HATE, Early morning anything, my alarm clock is set for Vampire Time, that is anything after 1:00pm… LOL>>>


  4. Oops, I just remember something else, I put off ordering my new Chef’s Jacket & Hat, not anymore, just found one really cheap and I had it embroidered too.
    What a deal, now I will fit my persona. Spicy & Sassy!


  5. Будто тощий изза самостоятельно луна без изнуряющих упражнений и голодовки!

    Мы создали эту программу миром с нашими российскими учеными, дабы круг желающий мог совершенно непринужденно начать ею пользоваться.
    Ожирение – это следствие неправильной работы организма и впоследствии это чаще только приводит к инфаркту, инсульту, к диабету и целому букету других заболеваний.
