Topic: Questions about hope?

Topic #18

Here’s today’s topic idea:

What gives you hope? And what, if anything, makes you question hope? And what makes you question your questions of hope? And…

Reminder: Do not answer this in the comments. That would be very silly. You should grab this topic and write a post about it on your blog.

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    1. I haven’t been following the topics at all except for maybe one day when it worked for me. But the tips do give me ideas on how to work it into future posts I have planned. It’s also nice to know what I’m going to be reading the next day on my friend’s blogs. 🙂


  1. Esperança? Quem não as tem? Todos os dias temos um monte de esperanças.
    O problema é como conseguir realiza-las? Muito complicado.
    Mas vamos tentando sempre!
    Abraços Mina!


  2. I have just come off a series of posts that examined facets of hope from different angles, triggered perhaps by the horribly frozen and mountainously snowy winter we’ve been having. This is one of them:

    Shochikubai: Three Friends of Winter

    Actually, it’ a favorite topic of mine, Hope is, along with Wisdom and Identity and Truth —- and Hugs —
    which brings us back around to Hope —-


  3. As these are a lot more open ended now, I’m finding it easier to change the subject to suit my blog.


  4. I spent a long time writing my blog today, I found this a difficult topic to address satisfactorily. Within a couple of minutes of publishing my blog it had disappeared both from the web and my dashboard. has anyone else had the same experience? The only thing I can think of that might have caused a problem was the inclusion of some graffiti by Banksy which is not protected by copyright.
