Topic: What do you want to be remembered for?

Topic #11  (just 354 to go).

These topics are optional – if you don’t like ’em, don’t use ’em. Feel free to post something else, or explain why you don’t like this topic as your topic. It’s all good.

Here’s today’s topic idea – brought to you by Plinky:

What do you want to be remembered for?

If this suggestion doesn’t fit your blog’s general topic (e.g. Your blog is about your slacker superpowers)  that’s ok. Simply apply the question by adding or changing some words (What don’t you want to be remembered for?).

Reminder: Do not answer this in the comments. That would be very silly. You should grab this topic and write a post about it on your blog.

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  1. what I dont want to be remembered for, ce dont je ne me soucie guère, voyons, mais en français dans le texte : “people”, la bourse et autres CAC machin, CAC les 40 voleurs, j’aime mieux ALi Baba ; trop de guerres et de commentaires sur les guerres
    – ce qui m’importe, le réchauffement climatique, découvrir des gens, des films des écrits calmes et sensés (vaste programme !), des expos … disons arts et lettres …
    à bientôt


  2. I really like this topic. I think this is something that most of us have thought about at some point, but perhaps been a bit shy to answer. I think I would have trouble answering this one honestly though.


  3. Just wanted to say I have enjoyed all the topics, even the ones I don’t answer. It’s a great way to keep on task! Danke…


  4. Eu gostaria de ser lembrada por ter tido a possibilidade de ajudar através do meu primeiro livro editado, além do meu marido safenado, tantas outras pessoas.
    Mas com o meu segundo livro, não estou conseguindo nada. Coloco todas as minhas esperanças para realizar esse objetivo agora em 2011
    Obrigada Mina


  5. For this topic I have decided to do a poll to see if people who read my blog think they will be remembered. I am going to blog again later too rather than my poll being my only post for today.


  6. This is a great topic and I think Becky’s idea of a reader poll is a great one. My post for today was already written, so I’ll hold on to this one for later use.

    In the meantime, I invite everyone doing PostADay or Week to the Silent Writers Collective for its weekly online writing retreat tonight at 9 pm (Eastern and Pacific – US). It’s a free weekly retreat to help writers overcome distractions and focus for one hour on writing. More info on my site.
    The Silent Writers Collective


  7. Well, I thought I posted here but it seems to have disappeared, so here goes again.

    New blog, new post for postaweek2010

    What do I want to be remembered for? Read my eulogy. It’s so much more fun when you write it yourself. 🙂
