Topic: How do you stay entertained?

Topic #10  (just 355 to go).

These topics are optional – if you don’t like ’em, don’t use ’em. Feel free to post something else, or explain why you don’t like this topic as your topic. It’s all good.

Here’s today’s topic idea – brought to you by Plinky:

How do you stay entertained when you are snowed in?

If this suggestion doesn’t fit your blog’s general topic (e.g. Your blog is about your horrific fear of snow and snow like things) that’s ok. Simply apply the question by adding or changing some words (tell any story involving snow).

Reminder: Do not answer this in the comments. That would be very silly. You should grab this topic and write a post about it on your blog.

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  1. I have never seen snow in my life! In my place it got close to +18 C this time, and I was sick!! No Idea how you guys survive the snow, forget getting entertained 😀

    Destination Infinity


  2. Hello! Post a Day is going great, and I just realized that this is an official project! Glad to be involved.. my first few posts of the year are up!

    Also, I’ve realized the power of the scheduled post.. as I get ideas and write posts, I’m scheduling them for posting at daily intervals, so I can feel free to write as much as I want whenever, and then have them turn into daily posts on their own.



  3. I live in Atlanta and we’re suppose to get 3-5 inches of snow/ice tomorrow. Not going to be fun! If I’m snowed in, I plan to write some blog posts to get ahead of schedule! Post a day is going good thus far! How’s everyone else doing?


    1. Snow always makes for easy photos – can be a nice way to get a couple of days ahead, if you’re so inclined.


  4. Having FUN! Already wrote about this topic… snowed in is normal , well, almost normal here – well, not snowed in, but snow days, closings, are part of U.P. Life.
    Glad to meet others meeting the challenge!


  5. Welcome the New Year with a New You!
    Celebrate that you and you alone can make a difference in your Life!
    See all your imperfections as opportunities to make them better!
    Forget that ad on TV that says you can be a size (6) by your Birthday!
    What you should be focusing on is who You want to be for the rest of your Life!
    Set small goals that are manageable, attainable, and reward yourself with a compliment instead of negative attitude.
    Anyone, and I mean anyone can achieve their measurement of Success if they continue to try each & everyday to do one thing well.
    So my challenge to all of you is just do it, and let’s Blog about what that one thing was that turned out so right, it surprised even You!
    You can reach me by this blog, or by e-mail, or by Facebook, let’s see how many of you are just as interested in living a long & healthy Life!


  6. Here is my challenge:
    I am a firm believer of spreading the word of Good -Eating.
    This is the first thing a person should do to change who they are physically, mentally, and emotionally. If any of you have different opinions let’s hear it!


  7. This is a terrific idea! Especially since we’ll be getting 8 inches or so of snow over the week… it’ll be easy to accompany with photographs.
    Thanks for the inspiration!


  8. OK – I did have to laugh at this one! Snowed in? We never see snow! Now, we have massive floods in the north, many many people are homeless at the moment and we do experience bushfires in my part of the country (none so far this summer), but snow? No.

    I will enjoy reading all the snow people’s ideas though if a few take this up!


    1. Actually, I should make it clear it does snow in the mountains and a few other places in Australia – it is just not like Michigan or Canada! Most of us would never see snow unless we went deliberately looking for it! In the mountains or the ski-fields.


  9. Oh wow, was the person who suggested this from Western Canada? ‘Cuz there’s a whole bunch of us there snowed in right now…


  10. Heh. One of the best topics in Alaska! (Besides talking about hunting tofu and hugging trees–bet you thought I’d mention that Palin woman. She doesn’t live here anymore.)


  11. Not a big fan of this topic!
    1. It’s the middle of summer where I am
    2. It never snows where I am and if I see snow, it’s because I’m at the mountains looking for snow!


  12. You guys are more creative than this. I see no topic ideas that make for compelling writing (0r reading).


    1. Splendified: If you’d like to suggest a better topic, fire away with suggestions. But looking at the activity so far, the topics seem to be of use to lots and lots of people.

      In fact, perhaps I’ll post asking for people to submit topics they’d like to see.


      1. I haven’t used any of the suggested topics yet either but I still appreciate them and hope to use one or two in the future. I have a photoblog I’ve been posting to daily for the last 5 months so it’s not easy to ‘switch gears’ on topics, just yet. Even though I’m not using the topics, I appreciate the daily emails because it feels like I can get the pulse of what others might be thinking about.

        Keep it up Scott! Your work is much appreciated.


    2. Maybe these topics work for people. I haven’t used any of the topics listed thus far. I’ve been following the beat of my own drum, making it up as I go along. I write about anything that comes up in conversation, pops into my head etc. I keep my notebook feature on my iPod open so that as soon as something comes to mind, I can jot it down.

      I do have to admit that the wordpress blogs that I peeked on that aren’t using these topics do seem to have more compelling writing than the ones that are. Now, that might not be the topic that causes the issue but the people who are drawn to them.

      I do think the topics could have a little more depth. Conversely, the topics can be “light” and someone can still write a compelling post from them.

      I don’t think the ultimate objective of the wordpress contest is for “best writing” but simply for consistent (daily/weekly) writing and practice. Each writer can decide for themselves if it is about posting their best, being consistent or both.


  13. I’ll have to wait to experience being snowed in before I can post on it. Now there’s somehting to look forward to 😀


  14. didn’t like this one, so i posted another one which should go live tomorrow or later on today.

    Reader asked me how do i find my stories.

    I thought this was a much better topic than what I like to do to stay entertain, which is to write. LOL


  15. Might be more interesting to just throw out a word and let people go nuts with it, rather than asking a specific question. To date, I haven’t used any of the topics (writing on a blogger blog, not WordPress), but I might be more inspired to think if, for example, the Post-A-Day topic were “Snow” instead of, “What do you do when snowed in?”

    Granted, you add the caveat of, “just write a story about snow if this topic doesn’t apply,” but why throw the idea (of being snowed in) out there in the first place? I’d rather see the various ways that people can run with minimum information.



  16. How about some prompts that aren’t grade-school short essay prompts from Plinky? We’re all adults here, a good amount of us in our late teens and older. Gasp, maybe even over 30! How about prompts from current news, popular books or magazines, or how we handle the stresses of life after high-school? What do we think about the political and economic situation in the U.S. or world news? What’s your workplace peeve? Unemployed? Job hanging on by a thread? Which kid is doing great and which kid is a stinker? Which childhood dream did you achieve and which bit the dust? Get some prompts in here for the adults.


  17. sorry. I know I just swooped in here with some criticism and then left without giving anything useful in return. I’m just frustrated because this seems more like playing “two truths and a dare” from junior high, and less about establishing rapport with readers and developing yourself as a writing personality. People don’t care about random answers to random questions by John Doe, and it makes blog posts forgettable.


  18. I don’t even check in for topics.

    I’m blogging on chemistry for the entire year. That’s a pretty specialised area in itself.
