Use time travel to post in the future

WordPress allows you to post in advance. You can set a post to be published an hour, a day or even a year from now. This can come in handy when you are going to be traveling, or if you want to provide yourself a cushion of posts in case you forget one day.

You can learn about how to schedule a post here. It’s easy and fast and might just make your challenge much easier.

(Pssst: this post was scheduled hours in advance – I’m actually asleep right now!)

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  1. And the time machine works in reverse too! When you forget to post (we’re all human, aren’t we), you can antedate a post…


    1. Thanks Scott for this info! And thanks jan for the antedate idea! Thanks for making blogging easier and learning all about it less intimidating.


  2. I use this trick a lot. I’ve had posts up through Friday since yesterday morning and am working on uploading pictures I might use for Saturday’s post right now.


  3. I did this over Christmas as I was away for 5 days. It took me some time to set it up beforehand (well, writing five extra posts cost extra time) but then while I was away I could just quickly check on my iPod if people had commented (and approve them if needed) an write short reactions back. Very handy!


  4. I use this alot. At the moment I have a posts lined up for the next four days. Also, I like the fact that I can set my posts to be published at the same time each day… I don’t know why, I just do.


  5. Thank you Scott! I never knew about this until I stumbled upon your reply to a blogger about scheduling posts in advance. That lead me to find out a little more about it. I think this is a great option and will force me to get organised a little bit during holiday season.


  6. I really like that idea. I noticed a fellow blogger had posts tumbling out every single week for about a year before she let everyone know she plans them well in advance due to her busy work schedule. Such a great idea, I must try 🙂


  7. Unfortunately this is sketchy. Over the last year I’ve found that scheduling future posts only works about 1 out of 10 times. So far I haven’t found a solution….but I haven’t had to do it in a while.


    1. It’s a bummer this hasn’t worked for you, because I have never had a problem with anything posting precisely when I tell it to. In fact, the post-dated posts feature was one of the main reasons I chose wordpress over other options.
      There are a couple of things I noticed, though, that may make a difference for you.
      1) I had my time zone set incorrectly, so my first few scheduled posts showed up 8 hours before I expected them to. It helps to make sure you check your settings so you know if your posts are scheduled for local time or some other time.
      2) A couple times I entered an incorrect date but discovered my error when I went to see why it hadn’t posted. Usually I was a day off (scheduled for the 5th instead of the 4th).
      3) Another thing to remember, the clock is in military/24 hour time. If you want your post to show up at 4pm you will need to enter 16:00 instead of 4:00.
      Just a couple of things to keep in mind for you or anyone else who is planning to use this feature.


    2. Make sure you also remember to click the ‘ok’ button once you have set the time and then click on the ‘schedule’ button. I have nearly forgot to do this quite a few times.

      Also, by clicking on ‘posts’ in your dashboard, you can check when the scheduled posts are set to be published.


  8. I use scheduled post to stock up on posts ahead of time. Ideally I am posting about three days ahead of the current date all the time. This way I can take a day off when I want or need to. I also write a bunch ahead around holidays.

    I’ve been posting daily since November 2007. I began illustrating my posts (almost daily) this past year too.


  9. Posting ahead is a wonderful tool I wish I’d found two years ago. Before traveling, and during expected busy times (like the Thanksgiving to New Year’s holidays) I prepost, which enables my five blog sites to appear to be kept fresh while I am otherwise detained with other matters.
    And yes, I facilitate five posts: and
    Keeps me busy and out of trouble!


  10. So this is really posting from the past, then?

    Neat. Maybe I’ll write a letter to myself and then respond to it a week later, and both posts will come out on the same day.

    Or something. I have some experimenting to do.


  11. Okay… so I get up every morning and write. Do I add it to my blog… nope.
    Today – new theme to make it easier to organize, then I find this post a day challenge. Eureka. So what if it’s already January 8th.
    What inspires me? Everything. Breathing. Writing. Sharing Caring. Need a boost? Visit. Read a wp blog. postaday2011 – must be heaven in 2011.
