Topic: Best accomplishment of 2010?

Topic #3  (just 362 to go).

These topics are entirely optional – if you don’t like it, no problem. Post something else. Or post about why you don’t like this topic, or the topic you wish we’d mentioned here. It’s all good.

Here’s today’s topic idea – brought to you by Plinky:

What’s the single most important thing you accomplished in 2010?

If this suggestion doesn’t fit your blog’s general topic (e.g. Your blog is about the air speed velocity of unladen hyperactive swallows), that’s ok. Simply ask “What was the most important thing accomplished in my field / subject in 2010?”

(Reminder: Do not answer this in the comments. That would be very silly. You should grab this topic and write a post about it on your blog).

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  1. What about photoblogs? They are totally different from regular blogs, and regular blog topics are sometimes kind of irrelevant.


  2. Ula: Photoblogs are awesome. And many of these ideas work for photos too. Can you find a photo of the most important accomplishment of last year? Or a photo of an accomplishment that was in the news that was most inspiring?

    It shouldn’t be hard to use these topics to find an idea for nearly any kind of blog.


  3. I’m just wondering if there could be a format to follow, for posting our blog with the answers to the topics/questions you pose? For example; I have put, bothe the “Statement you pose” in my Subject Line or aPostAday there… when I really only want to plut the ‘Title’ to my writing, which may or maynot state the mission here.
    Is there another way?
    Thanks, Denise


  4. Hi Denise:

    There are no rules here – it’s your blog so you can format it however you like. As long as you tag the post with PostAWeek2011 or PostADay2011, we’ll know you’re involved.

    You can see what other folks are doing by viewing all the posts marked with PostDay2011:


  5. Ula, these topics are completely OPTIONAL ! As long as you post once a day, it’s ok.. I think i commented something like this on the last topic, too. But it’s ok, hopefully at the end of the year everyone will be able to understand what this is really about.


    1. Johanna, thank you for clearing this up for me. I know this isn’t the right topic to discuss this particular subject, but I want to say that from what I’ve seen, some people choose photoblogs over blogs to avoid being literal (but to show an impression of what they’ve seen or felt at the moment instead), apart from many other reasons. This also includes not writing about subjects you feel are currently irrelevant or not important for you. So thank you for making the topic thing optional.


  6. I’ll try to mix in some more photo centric topics, or offer a photo topic in addition to the general one.


  7. Thanks so much for doing this! I am real excited and ready to post. I hope I can hang in there all year long! I will be posting on today’s topic this evening as well as maybe making another post today so check me out!


  8. Scott, I am happy that I actually did something right, I joined correctly. I need to bother you about the press this tool. I am new, to blogging, and computers in general. I have located the “press this” tool, and I thought I was successful in dragging and dropping it into my browser. I went to Church, came back and it was not there. I do not know what I am doing wrong. It probably couldn’t be simpler than you guys have made it, however, I am lost, and wonder if the “press this” tool could displayed elsewhere.


  9. Actually, I have a question about the “press this” tool. What about copyright? I noticed the other day, for example, that to use ANYTHING of a particular newspaper’s website to post to a blog, the fee is $800. Pretty stiff for actually (hopefully) advertising that newspaper for them! I didn’t investigate further, but I’m guessing WordPress people might know the answer.


  10. WordPress folks, I just wanted to say thanks for starting up these two campaigns. I have a suggestion–it seems that this idea is very similar to the “Writer’s Block” prompts on LiveJournal, but a great feature of Writer’s Block is that a bit of code gets put into your entry that allows you to click and see other people who have also answered the same question. (You can also access this feature from the LiveJournal homepage.) I don’t know how difficult this would be to implement on WordPress, but I think it would be a fabulous way to connect people and help the whole thing gain/maintain momentum.

    Thanks again for the fun project!


  11. Something I’d like to recommend to everyone is to include a link back to the topic post – that way if you are using that topic, people can come to the one page and use the pingbacks to find other posts on the same topic.
    I also try to link to a few other posts who have used the same topic, so that my readers can read other peoples topics as well.


    1. Missprinkles, I for one am glad you asked. I am attempting to discover how to do a pingback myself. I know how to set it up for others to pingback, but not how to use it for myself. I have found it helpful to read the tutorials offered by WordPress. I know about Askismet now, but still learning about the simplest of things, like pingbacks. I am so elementary in my tech knowledge. I experimented with press this from your blog, and unfortunately pressed your entire site to my blog, soon to be corrected.


  12. My most memorable event of the year [there a many more] was my visit to Russia I wanted to do it since I was a kid this was one of my ”things to do before I die” & i feel very good that i could achieve this.The Red square & the Metro was really a eye catcher the palaces & churches in St Petersberg were so beautiful .a real treat to the eyes


  13. What I feel most proud of for 2010 was to be able to Launch my own catering company aptly called Divadish…. With years of experience in Retail & Food, it is a proud moment to bring all of that to fusion!


  14. Hmm, I like how dailypost gives us enough ideas to post atleast one in our blogs everyday. With this help we won’t run out of ideas that fast :]


  15. For me, 2010 will always be remembered as the the year I finally came off tablets after 5 years of treatment for my excema. It felt really good, like a personal victory! –
    My postaday2011 post 3/365 is also up on – My musical diary, a song a day! –


  16. Olá pessoal, eu ainda não consegui entender como escrever, e o que escrever, e aonde postar, desculpe mas preciso de ajuda passo a passo, igual as minhas receitas ok?
    Um abraço Mina!!!!


  17. В основе многих приворотов лежит единый воззрение – тем разве иным способом установить связь промеж людьми сообразно нескольким чакрам. Однополый приворот также подчиняется этому принципу.
    Однако проводя однополый приворот, надо учитывать, что весь же энергетика людей одинаковая (в плане однополости) и поэтому присутствие такой работе глотать приманка особенности.
    Временем мне следовать проводить однополый приворот. Изза годы практики я разработала свои авторские методы и будет хорошо стала разбираться в этом виде приворота (многие практикующие мастера случалось не вовсе понимают, точно делается такая поделка), что позволяет проводить однополый приворот, дающий хорошие результаты.
    Тем людям, кто хочет сам сделать такую работу, залпом говорю – информации сообразно этому поводу вы практически не найдете, именно достоверной информации, а провести однополый приворот сам тем более не сможете. Разве некоторые маги путаются, то что сказывать о человека не практикующем магию.
    Разве у вас истинно питаться обязанность в проведение такой работы, напишите мне и я сделаю качественный однополый приворот. Александр Цынь маг поможет в этом


  18. Современная магия очень, очень разнообразна. Потому в арсенале грамотного и квалифицированного мага есть обряды практически на любую жизненную ситуацию, какую только можно себе представить! Так, у меня в гостях вас всегда ждет такая магия, как заговоры, привороты, отвороты, присушка, привязка, гадание, ясновидение, снятие порчи и сглаза и многое другое. При этом все эти обряды в той или иной мере включены в такие направления моей работы как:
    – любовная магия
    – белая магия
    – черная магия
    – магия добра

    Но как разобраться во всем этом море магических действий и, что намного важнее, правильно выбрать не столько сам обряд, сколько специалиста, которому можно доверить его выполнение?

    Ведь не секрет, что любая магия (отворот ли, присушка ли, попытка влюбить в себя при помощи магии – не суть важно) по своей природе является потенциально опасным, рискованным действом. Ведь человек в таком случае пытается вмешаться в работу высших сил, скорректировать их направление и силу – неудивительно, что при неумелом обращении это может обернуться в прямом смысле слова плачевными последствиями! И именно поэтому, выбирая профессионального мага, нужно ориентироваться не столько на цену магии, а в первую очередь на безопасность применяемых им методов. Могу однозначно сказать – такими сейчас являются только те обряды, что используют светлую энергию высших сил.


  19. Привет. Обращался к Александру Цынь за отворотом, все прошло более чем нормально и быстро. Павел Смирядин, Порхов
